On Fri, 11 Sep 2015, Mykola Golub wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 11:08:29AM +0100, Gregory Farnum wrote:
> > On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 7:42 AM, Mykola Golub <mgo...@mirantis.com> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > I would like to add new pool flags: noscrub and nodeep-scrub, to be
> > > able to control scrubbing on per pool basis. In our case it could be
> > > helpful in order to disable scrubbing on cache pools, which does not
> > > work well right now, but I can imagine other scenarios where it could
> > > be useful too.
> > 
> > Can you talk more about this? It sounds to me like maybe you dislike
> > the performance impact of scrubbing, but it's fairly important in
> > terms of data integrity. I don't think we want to permanently disable
> > them. A corruption in the cache pool isn't any less important than in
> > the backing pool ? it will eventually get flushed, and it's where all
> > the reads will be handled!
> I was talking about this:
> http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/8752
> (false-negative on a caching pool). Although the best solution is
> definitely to fix the bug, I am not sure it will be resolved soon (the
> bug is open for a year). Still these false-negatives are annoying, as
> they complicate monitoring for real inconsistent pgs. In this case I
> might want to disable periodic scrub for caching pools, as a
> workaround (I could do scrub for them manually though).
> This might be not the best example where these flags could be helpful
> (I just came to the idea when thinking about a workaround for that
> problem, and this looked useful to me in general). We already have
> 'ceph osd set no[deep-]scrub', and users use it to temporary resolve
> high I/O load. Being able to do this per pool looks useful too.
> You might have pools of different importance for you, and disabling
> scrub for some of them might be ok.

I wonder if, in addition, we should also allow scrub and deep-scrub 
intervals to be set on a per-pool basis?


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