On Thu, Nov 5, 2015 at 7:14 AM, Robert LeBlanc <rob...@leblancnet.us> wrote:
> Hash: SHA256
> Thanks Gregory,
> People are most likely busy and haven't had time to digest this and I
> may be expecting more excitement from it (I'm excited due to the
> results and probably also that such a large change still works). I'll
> keep working towards a PR, this was mostly proof of concept, now that
> there is some data I'll clean up the code.
> I was thinking that a config option to choose the scheduler would be a
> good idea. In terms of the project what is the better approach: create
> a new template and each place the template class is instantiated
> select the queue, or perform the queue selection in the same template
> class, or something else I haven't thought of.
> Are there public teuthology-openstack systems that could be used for
> testing? I don't remember, I'll have to search back through the
> mailing list archives.

Loic has sent some emails about this. It's a way to invoke the ceph
tests on an openstack cluster of your choice. I think he said a
reasonable rados run costs ~$20 on ovh? (You'll want to make sure to
use the subset functionality so it doesn't do the full geometric
expansion of the possible test combinations.)
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