On 17/09/2019 14:14, Alfredo Deza wrote:
> * Impossible to 'pin' to a version. User installs 14.2.0 and 4 months
> later they add other nodes but version moved to 14.2.2

I dynamically generate a pin for the ceph .deb files in ansible using
the tasks below.  IIRC the ceph-deploy package doesn't follow the same
versioning but I'm not using that tool.  Hope others might find this useful.


- name: "get ceph Package list"
     ceph_version: "14.2.3*"
     ceph_packages: "{{ lookup('url',
wantlist=True) | select('match', '^Package: *') | sort | list }}"
   run_once: yes

- name: "generate apt pin for ceph"
     src: "{{ playbook_dir }}/tasks/apt-ceph-pin.j2"
     dest: /etc/apt/preferences.d/ceph
     mode: 0644
     owner: root
     group: root

The template is:

{% for pin in ceph_packages %}
{{ pin }}
Pin: version {{ ceph_version }}
Pin-Priority: 1001

{% endfor %}
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