Hi again

I've managed to simplify this. I think it only affects empty
directories. It is still non-deterministic, ceph.dir.rctime will be set
correctly between 30% and 80% of the time, the rest of the time it will
be the same as the directory's original mtime.

source="/teraraid4/toby/ceph-test" ### Your NFS file system
mkdir -p $source/{old,new}
touch -t 201810211300 $source/old

cd /ceph/... # somewhere on your ceph file system
while [ $x -lt 10 ]; do
    rm -rf $top
    echo "== start $top =="
    rsync -a $source $top
    new_stamp=$(getfattr --only-values -n ceph.dir.rctime
    while [ $(echo "$new_stamp < 1" | bc -l) -eq 1 ]; do
        new_stamp=$(getfattr --only-values -n ceph.dir.rctime
        sleep 1
    old_stamp=$(getfattr --only-values -n ceph.dir.rctime
    [ $(echo "$new_stamp > $old_stamp" | bc -l) -eq 1 ] && getfattr -n
ceph.dir.rctime  $top/ceph-test/*
    echo "== end $top =="


On 16/10/2019 13:48, Toby Darling wrote:
> Hi
> Occasionally, a directory's ceph.dir.rctime isn't updated when it is
> copied (rsync'd) to ceph, it reads the same as from stat, not the time
> it was created on ceph.
> The cluster is all Scientific Linux release 7.7 with ceph 14.2.4
> nautilus (stable), the problem happened with kernel client running on
> one of the mon nodes. The tree that was rsync'd in was about 20TB, 340k
> files, 3000 directories. In all, I've found just 5 directories suffering
> this - possibly of interest, they are all empty (although there were 472
> empty dirs in total).
> * dir1 is reported correctly:
> [root@ceph ~]# ls -ld path/to/dir1
> drwxr-xr-x 1 thisuser thisuser 0 Jun 18  2018 path/to/dir1
> [root@ceph ~]# getfattr --only-values -n ceph.dir.rctime path/to/dir1
> 1571035073.09398156844
> [root@ceph ~]# stat path/to/dir1
>   File: ‘path/to/dir1’
>   Size: 0           Blocks: 0          IO Block: 65536  directory
> Device: 0h/0d   Inode: 1099637142596  Links: 1
> Access: (0755/drwxr-xr-x)  Uid: (26089/thisuser)   Gid: (26089/thisuser)
> Access: 2019-10-14 07:37:53.397156853 +0100
> Modify: 2018-06-18 18:19:12.001114388 +0100
> Change: 2019-10-14 07:37:53.398156844 +0100
>  Birth: -
> * But dir2's rctime is wrong:
> [root@ceph ~]# ls -ld path/to/dir1/dir2
> drwxr-xr-x 1 thisuser thisuser 0 Jun 18  2018 path/to/dir1/dir2
> [root@ceph ~]# getfattr --only-values -n ceph.dir.rctime path/to/dir1/dir2
> 1529342352.091114388
> [root@ceph ~]# stat path/to/dir1/dir2
>   File: ‘path/to/dir1/dir2’
>   Size: 0           Blocks: 0          IO Block: 65536  directory
> Device: 0h/0d   Inode: 1099637142960  Links: 1
> Access: (0755/drwxr-xr-x)  Uid: (26089/thisuser)   Gid: (26089/thisuser)
> Access: 2019-10-14 07:37:53.398156844 +0100
> Modify: 2018-06-18 18:19:12.001114388 +0100
> Change: 2019-10-14 07:37:53.398156844 +0100
>  Birth: -
> Cheers
> Toby
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