Hi Darren,

>> I'm going to deploy a new cluster soon based on 6.4TB NVME PCI-E Cards, I 
>> will have only 1 NVME card per node and 38 nodes.
>> The use case is to offer cephfs volumes for a k8s platform, I plan to use an 
>> EC-POOL 8+3 for the cephfs_data pool.
>> Do you have recommendations for the setup or mistakes to avoid? I use 
>> ceph-ansible to deploy all myclusters.

As describe in another mail, the context is:

3 Intel Server 1U for MONs/MDSs/MGRs services + K8s daemons
CPU     : 2 x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 v3 @ 2.50GHz (24c/48t)
Memory  : 64GB
Disk OS : 2x Intel SSD DC S3520 240GB
Network : SFP+ 10Gb/s

38 Dell C4140 1U for OSD node :
CPU     : 2 x Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6132 CPU @ 2.60GHz (28c/56t)
Memory  : 384GB
GPU     : 4 Nvidia V100 32GB NVLink
Disk OS : M.2 240G
NVME    : Dell 6.4TB NVME PCI-E Drive (Samsung PM1725b), only 1 slot available
Network : 2x SFP+  10Gb/s (1 NIC for public network and 1 NIC for private 

Each server is used in a k8s cluster to give access to GPUs and CPUs for 
X-learning labs.

Ceph have to share the CPU and memory with the K8s cluster.

I plan to have only 1 filesystem

> So I would not be putting 1 x 6.4TB device in but multiple smaller devices in 
> each node.

Because I don't have place for more

> What CPU are you thinking of using?
> How many CPU's? If you have 1 PCIe card then it will only be connected to 1 
> CPU so will you be able to use all of the performance of multiple CPU's.

We plan to use two Xeon Gold 6132.

> What network are you thinking of? Wouldn't be doing less than 100G or 
> multiple 25G connections.

Unfortunately, we are not ready for 25Gb/s neither 100Gb/s yet, "only" 
10Gbits/s fat tree network.

> Where is you CephFS metadata being stored? What are you doing about CephFS 
> metadata servers?

The CephFS metadata will be on separate servers as describe above.

> What about some faster storage for the WAL?

Dell 6.4TB NVME PCI-E Drives (Samsung PM1725b) look fast for me, don't they?

> What is your IO Profile? Read/Write split?

IO Profile will be mixed cases, this cephfs will be used as scratch storage to 
compute processes in our K8s clusters.

> It may be the case that EC is not the best fit for the workload you are 
> trying to do.

As usual, we have to choose between performance and usable space...


Best regards,

Yoann Moulin
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