Dear Stefan,

is it possible that there is a mistake in the documentation or a bug? Out of 
curiosity, I restarted one of these OSDs and the memory usage starts going up:

ceph      881203 15.4  4.0 6201580 5344764 ?     Sl   09:18   6:38 
/usr/bin/ceph-osd --cluster ceph -f -i 243 --setuser ceph --setgroup disk

The documentation of ods_memory_target says "Can update at runtime: true", but 
it seems that a restart is required to activate the setting, so it can *not* be 
updated at runtime (meaning it takes effect without restart).

In addition to that, I would like to have different default memory targets set 
for different device classes. Unfortunately, there seem not to be different 
memory_target_[devide class] default options. Is there a good way to set 
different while avoiding to bloat "ceph config dump" unnecessarily?

Best regards,

Frank Schilder
AIT Risø Campus
Bygning 109, rum S14

From: Frank Schilder <>
Sent: 05 February 2020 09:09:22
To: Stefan Kooman
Cc: ceph-users
Subject: [ceph-users] Re: osd_memory_target ignored

Hi Stefan,

its all at the defaults it seems:

[root@gnosis ~]# ceph config get osd.243 bluestore_cache_size
[root@gnosis ~]# ceph config get osd.243 bluestore_cache_size_ssd

I explicitly removed the old settings with commands like

ceph config rm osd.243 bluestore_cache_size

Best regards,

Frank Schilder
AIT Risø Campus
Bygning 109, rum S14

From: Stefan Kooman <>
Sent: 04 February 2020 21:14:28
To: Frank Schilder
Cc: ceph-users
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] osd_memory_target ignored

Quoting Frank Schilder (
> Dear Stefan,
> I check with top the total allocation. ps -aux gives:
> ceph      784155 15.8  3.1 6014276 4215008 ?     Sl   Jan31 932:13 
> /usr/bin/ceph-osd --cluster ceph -f -i 243 ...
> ceph      784732 16.6  3.0 6058736 4082504 ?     Sl   Jan31 976:59 
> /usr/bin/ceph-osd --cluster ceph -f -i 247 ...
> ceph      785812 17.1  3.0 5989576 3959996 ?     Sl   Jan31 1008:46 
> /usr/bin/ceph-osd --cluster ceph -f -i 254 ...
> ceph      786352 14.9  3.1 5955520 4132840 ?     Sl   Jan31 874:37 
> /usr/bin/ceph-osd --cluster ceph -f -i 256 ...
> These should have 8GB resident by now, but stay at or just below 4G. The 
> other options are set as
> [root@ceph-04 ~]# ceph config get osd.243 bluefs_allocator
> bitmap
> [root@ceph-04 ~]# ceph config get osd.243 bluestore_allocator
> bitmap
> [root@ceph-04 ~]# ceph config get osd.243 osd_memory_target
> 8589934592

What does "bluestore_cache_size" read? Our OSDs report "0".

Gr. Stefan

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