Hi Eugen,

On Mon, 2020-08-24 at 14:26 +0000, Eugen Block wrote:
> Hi,
> there have been several threads about this topic [1], most likely
> it's  
> the metadata operation during the cleanup that saturates your disks.
> The recommended settings seem to be:
> [osd]
> osd op queue = wpq
> osd op queue cut off = high

Yeah, I've stumbled upon those settings recently.
However, it seems to be the default nowadays...

root@cephosd01:~# ceph config get mds.cephosd01 osd_op_queue
root@0cephosd01:~# ceph config get mds.cephosd01 osd_op_queue_cut_off

I do appreciate your input anyway.

> This helped us a lot, the number of slow requests has decreased
> significantly.
> Regards,
> Eugen
> [1]  
> https://lists.ceph.io/hyperkitty/list/ceph-users@ceph.io/thread/MK672ROJSW3X56PC2KWOK2GX7ENQP2LS/#FF3FMP5EEMOBCXAYB4ZVFIAAN6U4IRS3
> Zitat von Momčilo Medić <fedorau...@fedoraproject.org>:
> > Hi friends,
> > 
> > Since deployment of our Ceph cluster we've been plagued by slow
> > metadata error.
> > Namely, cluster goes into HEALTH_WARN with a message similar to
> > this
> > one:
> > 
> > 2 MDSs report slow metadata IOs
> > 1 MDSs report slow requests
> > 1 slow ops, oldest one blocked for 32 sec, daemons [osd.22,osd.4]
> > have
> > slow ops.
> > 
> > Here is a brief overview of our setup:
> > - 7 OSD nodes with 6 OSD drives each
> > - three of those are also monitors, managers and MDS
> > - there is a single Ceph client (at the moment)
> > - there is only CephFS being used (at the moment)
> > - metadata for CephFS is on HDD (was on HDD, but we moved it as
> > suggested - no improvement)
> > 
> > Our expectation is that this is not a RAM issue as we have 64GiB of
> > memory and is never fully utilized.
> > 
> > It might be a CPU problem, as issue happens mostly during high
> > loads
> > (load of ~12 on a 8-core Intel Xeon Bronze 3106).
> > However, the load is present on all OSD nodes, not just MDS ones.
> > 
> > Cluster is used for (mostly nightly) backups and has no critical
> > performance requirement.
> > Interestingly, significant load across all nodes appears when
> > running
> > cleanup of outdated backups.
> > This boils down to mostly truncating files and some removal, but it
> > is
> > usually small number of large files.
> > 
> > Bellow you can find an example of "dump_ops_in_flight" output
> > during
> > the problem (which you may find useful - I couldn't make sense out
> > of
> > it).
> > 
> > Should we invest into more powerfull CPU hardware (or should we
> > move
> > MDS roles to more powerful nodes)?
> > 
> > Please let me know if I can share any more information to help
> > resolve
> > this thing.
> > 
> > Thanks in advance!
> > 
> > Kind regards,
> > Momo.
> > 
> > ===
> > 
> > {
> >     "ops": [
> >         {
> >             "description":
> > "client_request(client.22661659:706483006
> > create #0x10000002742/a-random-file 2020-08-23T23:09:33.919740+0200
> > caller_uid=117, caller_gid=121{})",
> >             "initiated_at": "2020-08-23T23:09:33.926509+0200",
> >             "age": 30.193027896,
> >             "duration": 30.193083934000001,
> >             "type_data": {
> >                 "flag_point": "failed to authpin, subtree is being
> > exported",
> >                 "reqid": "client.22661659:706483006",
> >                 "op_type": "client_request",
> >                 "client_info": {
> >                     "client": "client.22661659",
> >                     "tid": 706483006
> >                 },
> >                 "events": [
> >                     {
> >                         "time": "2020-08-23T23:09:33.926509+0200",
> >                         "event": "initiated"
> >                     },
> >                     {
> >                         "time": "2020-08-23T23:09:33.926510+0200",
> >                         "event": "throttled"
> >                     },
> >                     {
> >                         "time": "2020-08-23T23:09:33.926509+0200",
> >                         "event": "header_read"
> >                     },
> >                     {
> >                         "time": "2020-08-23T23:09:33.926516+0200",
> >                         "event": "all_read"
> >                     },
> >                     {
> >                         "time": "2020-08-23T23:09:33.926540+0200",
> >                         "event": "dispatched"
> >                     },
> >                     {
> >                         "time": "2020-08-23T23:09:33.926595+0200",
> >                         "event": "failed to authpin, subtree is
> > being
> > exported"
> >                     }
> >                 ]
> >             }
> >         }
> >     ],
> >     "num_ops": 1
> > }
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