Depending on your actual OSD setup (separate rocksDB/WAL) simply deleting pools won’t immediately delete the remaining objects. The DBs are cleaned up quite slowly which can leave you with completely saturated disks. This has been explained multiple times here, I just don’t have a link at hand. If this is just a test cluster it could be way faster to rebuild the OSDs. Or you can first try the pool deletion and see how fast you can rebuild your pools.

Zitat von Dallas Jones <>:

Stumbling closer toward a usable production cluster with Ceph, but I have
yet another stupid n00b question I'm hoping you all will tolerate.

I have 38 OSDs up and in across 4 hosts. I (maybe prematurely) removed my
test filesystem as well as the metadata and data pools used by the deleted

This leaves me with 38 OSDs with a bunch of data on them.

Is there a simple way to just whack all of the data on all of those OSDs
before I create new pools and a new filesystem?

ceph version 14.2.4 (75f4de193b3ea58512f204623e6c5a16e6c1e1ba) nautilus

As you can see from the partial output of ceph -s, I left a bunch of crap
spread across the OSDs...

    pools:   8 pools, 32 pgs
    objects: 219 objects, 1.2 KiB
    usage:   45 TiB used, 109 TiB / 154 TiB avail
    pgs:     32 active+clean

Thanks in advance for a shove in the right direction.

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