Hi Eugen, 

Indeed some really useful tips explaining what goes wrong, yet this 
thread[1] is about cephfs directly mounted on the osd node. I was having 
this also quite some time without any problems until suddenly I ran into 
the same issue as they had. I think I did not have any issues with the 
kernel client cephfs mount with luminous until I enabled the cephfs 
snapshots. Then I had to switch to the fuse client.

In my case I am running a vm on the the osd node, which I thought would 
be different. I have been able to reproduce this stale mount just 2 
times now. I have been testing with 10x more clients and it still works. 
Anyway I decided to move everything to rbd. I have been running vm's 
with rbd images without problems colocated on osd nodes for quite some 
time. I really would like to use the hosts because they have each 
16c/32t and an average load of just 2-3.

Unfortunately I did not document precisely how I recovered from the 
stale mount. I would like to see if I can reduce the amount of steps to 
take. Things started happening for me after I did the mds failover. Then 
I got blocked clients that I could unblock and fix the mount with mount 

Thanks for the pointers, I have linked them in my docs ;)

-----Original Message-----
To: ceph-users@ceph.io
Subject: [ceph-users] Re: kvm vm cephfs mount hangs on osd node 
(something like umount -l available?) (help wanted going to production)


there have been several threads about hanging cephfs mounts, one quite 
long thread [1] describes a couple of debugging options but also 
mentions to avoid mounting cephfs on OSD nodes in a production 

Do you see blacklisted clients with 'ceph osd blacklist ls'? If the 
answer is yes try to unblock that client [2].
The same option ('umount -l') is available on a cephfs client, you can 
try that, too. Other options described in [1] are to execute an MDS 
failover, but sometimes a reboot of that VM is the only solution left.



Zitat von Marc Roos <m.r...@f1-outsourcing.eu>:

> Is there not some genius out there that can shed a ligth on this? ;) 
> Currently I am not able to reproduce this. Thus it would be nice to 
> have some procedure at hand that resolves stale cephfs mounts nicely.
> -----Original Message-----
> To: ceph-users
> Subject: [ceph-users] kvm vm cephfs mount hangs on osd node (something 

> like umount -l available?) (help wanted going to production)
> I have a vm on a osd node (which can reach host and other nodes via 
> the macvtap interface (used by the host and guest)). I just did a 
> simple
> bonnie++ test and everything seems to be fine. Yesterday however the
> dovecot procces apparently caused problems (only using cephfs for an 
> archive namespace, inbox is on rbd ssd, fs meta also on ssd)
> How can I recover from such lock-up. If I have a similar situation 
> with an nfs-ganesha mount, I have the option to do a umount -l, and 
> clients recover quickly without any issues.
> Having to reset the vm, is not really an option. What is best way to 
> resolve this?
> Ceph cluster: 14.2.11 (the vm has 14.2.16)
> I have in my ceph.conf nothing special, these 2x in the mds section:
> mds bal fragment size max = 120000
> # maybe for nfs-ganesha problems?
> # http://docs.ceph.com/docs/master/cephfs/eviction/
> #mds_session_blacklist_on_timeout = false 
> #mds_session_blacklist_on_evict = false mds_cache_memory_limit = 
> 17179860387
> All running:
> CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)
> Linux mail04 3.10.0-1160.6.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Nov 17 13:59:11 UTC 

> 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux 
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