
I've done actually, now monitoring is there any issue, if not, I'll remove the 
old pool.

-----Original Message-----
From: Eugen Block <>
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2021 3:47 PM
Subject: [Suspicious newsletter] [ceph-users] Re: .rgw.root was created wit a 
lot of PG

Email received from outside the company. If in doubt don't click links nor open 

Which ceph version is this? Since Nautilus you can decrease pg numbers (or let 
pg-autoscaler do that for you).

Zitat von "Szabo, Istvan (Agoda)" <>:

> Hi,
> Originally this pool was created with 512PG which makes couple of OSDs
> having 500PG 😲
> What is the safe steps to copy over this pool?
> These are the files in this pool:
> default.realm
> period_config.f320e60d-8cff-4824-878e-c316423cc519
> periods.18d63a25-8a50-4e17-9561-d452621f62fa.latest_epoch
> default.zonegroup.f320e60d-8cff-4824-878e-c316423cc519
> zone_info.ba16656f-2191-40bb-bc39-9f19448d215d
> periods.6605bb4c-2226-4509-a3be-d5c95300fe14.1
> zonegroup_info.f47a81ba-b214-4b8d-9b0e-84c14bc153cf
> periods.f320e60d-8cff-4824-878e-c316423cc519:staging
> realms.f320e60d-8cff-4824-878e-c316423cc519.control
> periods.6605bb4c-2226-4509-a3be-d5c95300fe14.latest_epoch
> realms.f320e60d-8cff-4824-878e-c316423cc519
> realms_names.default
> periods.18d63a25-8a50-4e17-9561-d452621f62fa.1
> zone_names.default
> zonegroups_names.default
> It’s single site cluster.
> Do I need to stop rados gateway?
> After I would follow the following steps:
> ceph osd pool create 8
> rados cppool .rgw.root
> ceph osd pool delete .rgw.root .rgw.root --yes-i-really-really-mean-it
> ceph osd pool rename .rgw.root ceph osd pool application
> enable .rgw.root rgw
> Just not sure do I need to create outage request or not due to the
> rados stop.
> Thank you.
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