On Wed, Jan 27, 2021 at 5:34 PM Schoonjans, Tom (RFI,RAL,-) <
tom.schoonj...@rfi.ac.uk> wrote:

> Looks like there’s already a ticket open for AMQP SSL support:
> https://tracker.ceph.com/issues/42902 (you opened it ;-))
> I will give a try myself if I have some time, but don’t hold your breath
> with lockdown and home schooling. Also I am not much of a C++ coder.
> I need to go over the logs with Tom Byrne to see why it is not working
> properly. And perhaps I will be able to come up with a fix then.
> However this is what I have run into so far today:
> 1. After configuring a bucket with a topic using the non-SSL port, I tried
> a couple of uploads to this bucket. They all hanged, which seemed like
> something was very wrong, so I Ctrl-C’ed every time. After some time I
> figured out from the RabbitMQ admin UI that Ceph was indeed connecting to
> it, and the connections remained so I killed them from the UI.

sending the notification to the rabbitmq server is synchronous with the
upload to the bucket. so, if the server is slow or not acking the
notification, the upload request would hang. not that the upload itself is
done first, but the reply to the client does not happen until rabbitmq
server acks.

would be great if you can share the radosgw logs.
maybe the issue is related to the user/password method we use? we use:

one possible workaround would be to set "amqp-ack-level" to "none". in this
case the radosgw does not wait for an ack

in "pacific" you could use "persistent topics" where the notifications are
sent asynchronously to the endpoint.

2. I then wrote a python script with Pika to consume the events, hoping
> that would stop the blocking. I had some minor success with this. Usually
> the first three or four uploaded files would generate events that I could
> consume with my script.

the radosgw is waiting for an ack from the broker, not the end consumer, so
this should not have mattered...
did you actually see any notifications delivered to the consumer?

> However, the rest would block for ever. I repeated this a couple of times
> but always the same result. I noticed that after I stopped uploading,
> removed the bucket and the topic, the connection from Ceph in the RabbitMQ
> UI remained. I killed it but it came back seconds later from another port
> on the Ceph cluster. I ended up playing whack-a-mole with this until no
> more connections would be established from Ceph to RabbitMQ. I probably
> killed a 100 or so of them.

once you remove the bucket there cannot be new notification sent. if you
create the bucket again you may see notifications again (this is fixed in
either way, even if the connection to the rabbitmq server would still be
open, but no new notifications should be sent there. just having the
connection should not be an issue but would be nice to fix that as well:

3. After this I couldn’t get any events sent anymore. There is no more
> blocking when uploading, files get written but nothing else happens. No
> connections are made anymore from Ceph to RabbitMQ.
> Hope this helps…

yes, this is very helpful!

> Best,
> Tom
> Dr Tom Schoonjans
> Research Software Engineer - HPC and Cloud
> Rosalind Franklin Institute
> Harwell Science & Innovation Campus
> Didcot
> Oxfordshire
> OX11 0FA
> United Kingdom
> https://www.rfi.ac.uk
> The Rosalind Franklin Institute is a registered charity in England and
> Wales, No. 1179810 Company Limited by Guarantee Registered in England
> and Wales, No.11266143. Funded by UK Research and Innovation through
> the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council.
> On 27 Jan 2021, at 13:04, Yuval Lifshitz <ylifs...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 27, 2021 at 11:33 AM Schoonjans, Tom (RFI,RAL,-) <
> tom.schoonj...@rfi.ac.uk> wrote:
>> Hi Yuval,
>> Switching to non-SSL connections to RabbitMQ allowed us to get things
>> working, although currently it’s not very reliable.
> can you please add more about that? what reliability issues did you see?
>> I will open a new ticket over this if we can’t fix things ourselves.
> this would be great. we have ssl support for kafka and http endpoint, so,
> if you decide to give it a try you can look at them as examples.
> and let me know if you have questions or need help.
>> I will open an issue on the tracker as soon as my account request has
>> been approved :-)
>> Best,
>> Tom
>> Dr Tom Schoonjans
>> Research Software Engineer - HPC and Cloud
>> Rosalind Franklin Institute
>> Harwell Science & Innovation Campus
>> Didcot
>> Oxfordshire
>> OX11 0FA
>> United Kingdom
>> https://www.rfi.ac.uk
>> The Rosalind Franklin Institute is a registered charity in England and
>> Wales, No. 1179810 Company Limited by Guarantee Registered in England
>> and Wales, No.11266143. Funded by UK Research and Innovation through
>> the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council.
>> On 26 Jan 2021, at 20:02, Yuval Lifshitz <ylifs...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Jan 26, 2021 at 9:48 PM Schoonjans, Tom (RFI,RAL,-) <
>> tom.schoonj...@rfi.ac.uk> wrote:
>>> Hi Yuval,
>>> I worked on this earlier today with Tom Byrne and I think I may be able
>>> to provide some more information.
>>> I set up the RabbitMQ server myself, and created the exchange with type
>>> ’topic’ before configuring the bucket.
>>> Not sure if this matters, but the RabbitMQ endpoint is reached over SSL,
>>> using certificates generated with Letsencrypt.
>> it actually does. we don't support amqp over ssl.
>> feel free to open a tracker for that - as we should probably support that!
>> but note that it would probably be backported only to later versions than
>> nautilus.
>>> Many thanks,
>>> Tom
>>> Dr Tom Schoonjans
>>> Research Software Engineer - HPC and Cloud
>>> Rosalind Franklin Institute
>>> Harwell Science & Innovation Campus
>>> Didcot
>>> Oxfordshire
>>> OX11 0FA
>>> United Kingdom
>>> https://www.rfi.ac.uk
>>> The Rosalind Franklin Institute is a registered charity in England and
>>> Wales, No. 1179810 Company Limited by Guarantee Registered in England
>>> and Wales, No.11266143. Funded by UK Research and Innovation through
>>> the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council.
>>> On 26 Jan 2021, at 19:37, Yuval Lifshitz <ylifs...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Tom,
>>> Did you create the exchange in rabbitmq? The RGW does not create it and
>>> assume it is already created?
>>> Could you increase the log level in RGW and see if there are more log
>>> messages that have "AMQP" in them?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Yuval
>>> On Tue, Jan 26, 2021 at 7:33 PM Byrne, Thomas (STFC,RAL,SC) <
>>> tom.by...@stfc.ac.uk> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> We've been trying to get RGW Bucket notifications working with a
>>>> RabbitMQ endpoint on our Nautilus 14.2.15 cluster. The gateway host can
>>>> communicate with the rabbitMQ server just fine, but when RGW tries to send
>>>> a message to the endpoint, the message never appears in the queue, and we
>>>> get this error from in the RGW logs:
>>>> 2021-01-26 16:28:17.271 7f0468b1f700  1 push to endpoint AMQP(0.9.1)
>>>> Endpoint
>>>> URI: amqp://user:pass@host:5671
>>>> Topic: ceph-topic-test
>>>> Exchange: ceph-test
>>>> Ack Level: broker failed, with error: -4098
>>>> We've confirmed the URI is correct, and that the gateway host can send
>>>> messages to the RabbitMQ via a standalone script (using the same
>>>> information as in the URI). Does anyone have any hints about how to dig
>>>> into this?
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Tom
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