Hi Ceph'ers,

I love the possibility to make snapshots on Cephfs systems.

Although there is one thing that puzzles me.

Creating snapshot takes no time to do and deleting snapshots can bring PGs into 
snaptrim state for some hours.
While recovering data from a snapshot will always invoke a full data transfer, 
where data are "physically" being copied back into place.

This can make recovering from snapshots on Cephfs a rather heavy procedure.
I have even tried "mv" command but that also starts transfer real data instead 
of just moving metadata pointers.

Am I missing some "ceph snapshot recover" command, that can move metadata 
pointers and make recovery much lighter, or is this just that way it is?

Best reagards,

Jesper Lykkegaard Karlsen
Scientific Computing
Centre for Structural Biology
Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics
Aarhus University
Gustav Wieds Vej 10
8000 Aarhus C

E-mail: je...@mbg.au.dk
Tlf:    +45 50906203

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