The main reason for SSDs is typically to improve IOPS for small writes, but for 
that usage most (all) consumer SSDs we have tested perform badly in Ceph.

The reason for this is that Ceph requires SYNC writes, and since consumer SSDs 
(and now even some cheap datacenter ones) don't have capacitors for 
power-loss-protection they cannot use the volatile caches that give them 
(semi-fake) good performance on desktops.

If that sounds bad, you should be even more careful of you shop around until 
you find a cheap drive that performs well - because there have historically 
been consumer drives that lie and acknowledge a sync even if the data is just 
in volatile memory rather than safe :-)

Samsung PM883 is likely one of the cheapest drives that you can still fully 
trust - at least if your application is not highly write-intensive.

Now, having said that, we have had pretty good experience with a way to partly 
cheat around these limitations: since we have large servers with mixed HDDs we 
also have 2-3 NVMe samsung PM983 M.2 drives per server on PCIe cards for the 
DB/wal. It seems to work remarkably well to do this for consumer SSDs to, I.e. 
let each 4TB el cheapo SATA SSD (we used Samsung 860) use a ~100GB db/wal 
partition on an NVMe drive. This gives very nice low latencies in rados 
benchmarks, although they are still ~50% higher than with proper enterprise 


- Think about balancing IOPS. If you have 10 SSD OSDs share a single NVMe WAL 
device you will likely be limited by the NVMe.
- if the NVMe drive dies, all the corresponding OSDs die.
- This might work for read-intensive applications, but if you try it for 
write-intensive applications you will wear out the consumer SSDs (check their 
write endurance).
- You will still see latency/bandwidth go up/down and periodically throttle for 
consumer SSDs.

In comparison, even the relatively cheap pm883 "just works" at constant high 
bandwidth close to the bus limit, and the latency is a constant low fraction of 
a millisecond in ceph.

In summary, while somewhat possible, I don't think it's worth the 
hassle/risk/complex setup with consumer drives, but if I absolutely had to i 
would at least avoid the absolutely cheapest QVO models - and if you don't put 
the WAL on a better device I predict you'll regret it once you start doing 
benchmarks in RADOS.



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