I think 2 things need to be clarified here:

> [...]
> Again, clean orchestration, being able to upgrade each deamon without
> influencing running ones, this is just not possible with the native
> packages.

If a daemon is running on an operating system, it does not reload shared
libraries or binaries. So upgrading a system != every daemon at the same
time gets new executable content loaded.

If a daemon restarts that particular moment of OS upgrade,
then yes, then it loads the new binary. But are you able to hit that
spot of a few minutes? Unlikely. Especially if you tested your upgrade
on a staging environment before.

> Being able to run on a lot more platforms, as native packages are just
> not maintainable for all platforms that could easily run a docker daemon.

Not biting on this one. If we talk platforms, you are basically fine for
a lot of projects if you deliver a set of .rpms and a set of .debs. Or
if you work closely together with the distros, then often that distro can
actually help you building (and maintaining) that package.

As far as I know the core ceph team is working at Redhat, so you are
basically getting 1 distro/package for free.

And while we are at claiming "on a lot more platforms", you are at the
same time EXCLUDING a lot of platforms by saying "Linux based
container" (remember Ceph on FreeBSD? [0]).

I am aware that centralisation is in fashion, but coming from an Open
Source background, there is one big reason to build Open Source
software: to be portable and inclusive.

I've experienced the time where the "only platform" was MS-DOS/Windows
and I can assure anyone in here that "setting on one platform" instead
of "being portable" is a shot in your own foot.

History repeats.



[0] https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/install/manual-freebsd-deployment/

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