Hello Folks,

We are running Ceph Octopus 15.2.13 release and would like to use the disk
prediction module. So far issues we faced are:
1. Ceph documentation does not mention to install
2. Even if I install the needed package, after mgr restart, it does not
appear on Ceph cluster. Detailed log is here:
<https://gist.github.com/juztas/b687798ea97ef13e36d466f2d7b1470a> . Ceph -s
shows [1].

Are you aware of this issue and are there any workarounds?


# ceph -s
    id:     12d9d70a-e993-464c-a6f8-4f674db35136
    health: HEALTH_WARN
            no active mgr

    mon: 3 daemons, quorum ceph-mon-cms-1,ceph-mon-cms-2,ceph-mon-cms-3
(age 2d)
    mgr: no daemons active (since 11m)
    mds: cephfs:1 {0=ceph-mds-cms-1=up:active} 1 up:standby
ceph health detail
HEALTH_WARN no active mgr
[WRN] MGR_DOWN: no active mgr
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