
I have configured a ceph cluster with the new Pacific version (16.2.4)
using cephadm to see how it performed.

Everything went smoothly and the cluster was working fine until I did a
ordered shutdown and reboot of the nodes and after that all "ceph orch"
commands hang as if they were not able to contact the cephadm orchestrator.

I have seen other people experiencing a similar issue in a past thread
after a power outage that was resolved restarting the services at each
host. I have tried that but it did not work.

As in that case, logs also give no clue and they show no errors, all
dockers are running fine except for rgw but I suspect those are irrelevant
for this case (of course I could be wrong).

There are no data yet in the cluster, apart from tests, but I would really
like to find the cause of this issue but I am having a hard time figuring
out how "ceph orch" contacts the cephadm module of the ceph-mgr explore the
issue in more detail. Any ideas of how to proceed are well appreciated?

Also it would be of great help if you could direct me at where to look at
the code or any details about how the command line tools contacts the
cephamd api in the ceph-mgr.

Thanks a lot,

Here are the details:

# ceph orch status --verbose
Submitting command:  {'prefix': 'orch status', 'target': ('mon-mgr', '')}
submit {"prefix": "orch status", "target": ["mon-mgr", ""]} to mon-mgr
--> at this point hangs forever (strace shows it is blocked in futex lock)

# ceph status

    id:     c6e89d30-de52-11eb-a76f-bc97e1e57d70
    health: HEALTH_WARN
            8 failed cephadm daemon(s)
            1 pools have many more objects per pg than average
flag(s) set

    mon: 2 daemons, quorum c26-1,c28-1 (age 105m)
    mgr: c26-1.sojetc(active, since 105m), standbys: c28-1.zmwxro,
c27-1.ixiiun, c28-38.lpsgmq, c26-40.ltomjc
    osd: 192 osds: 192 up (since 110m), 192 in (since 10w)
         flags pauserd,pausewr,nodown,noout,nobackfill,norebalance,norecover

    pools:   9 pools, 7785 pgs
    objects: 24.69k objects, 166 GiB
    usage:   24 TiB used, 2.7 PiB / 2.8 PiB avail
    pgs:     7785 active+clean

NOTE: Actually the cluster had 5 mons running, but in the last test I
started only two of them and I saw how the others appeared first as no
available first and then they were automatically removed from the config.
So even after later starting the other nodes they are no longer being used
as mons. Interestingly enouth they are still used as mgr.

# ceph health detail
HEALTH_WARN 8 failed cephadm daemon(s); 1 pools have many more objects per
pg than average;
pauserd,pausewr,nodown,noout,nobackfill,norebalance,norecover flag(s) set
[WRN] CEPHADM_FAILED_DAEMON: 8 failed cephadm daemon(s)
    daemon rgw.cesga.c27-35.qfbwai on c27-35 is in error state
    daemon rgw.cesga.c27-35.eelnnx on c27-35 is in error state
    daemon rgw.cesga.c27-35.mihttm on c27-35 is in error state
    daemon rgw.cesga.c27-35.redbiq on c27-35 is in error state
    daemon rgw.cesga.c27-36.igdmae on c27-36 is in error state
    daemon rgw.cesga.c27-36.xrjhxh on c27-36 is in error state
    daemon rgw.cesga.c27-36.rubmyu on c27-36 is in error state
    daemon rgw.cesga.c27-36.swrygg on c27-36 is in error state
[WRN] MANY_OBJECTS_PER_PG: 1 pools have many more objects per pg than
    pool glance-images objects per pg (36) is more than 12 times cluster
average (3)
pauserd,pausewr,nodown,noout,nobackfill,norebalance,norecover flag(s) set

# ceph mgr module ls
    "always_on_modules": [
    "enabled_modules": [
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