Den mån 20 sep. 2021 kl 18:02 skrev Dave Piper <>:
> Okay - I've finally got full debug logs from the flapping OSDs. The raw logs 
> are both 100M each - I can email them directly if necessary. (Igor I've 
> already sent these your way.)
> Both flapping OSDs are reporting the same "bluefs _allocate failed to 
> allocate" errors as before.  I've also noticed additional errors about 
> corrupt blocks which I haven't noticed previously.  E.g.
> 2021-09-08T10:42:13.316+0000 7f705c4f2f00  3 rocksdb: 
> [table/] Encountered error while reading data 
> from compression dictionary block Corruption: block checksum mismatch: 
> expected 0, got 2324967111  in db/501397.sst offset 18446744073709551615 size 
> 18446744073709551615

Those 18446744073709551615 numbers are -1 (or the largest 64bit int),
so something makes the numbers wrap around below zero.
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