On Wed, 22 Sept 2021 at 05:54, Szabo, Istvan (Agoda)
<istvan.sz...@agoda.com> wrote:
> Sorry to steal it, so if I have 500GB and 700GB mixed wal+rocksdb on nvme 
> the number should be the level base 5000000000 and 7000000000? Or needs to be 
> power of 2?

Generally the sum of all levels (up to the max of your metadata) needs
to fit into the db partition for each OSD. If you have a 500 or 700 GB
WAL+DB partition per OSD then the default settings should carry you to
L3 (~333GB required free space). Do you have more than 300GB metadata
per OSD?
All examples I've ever seen show the level base size at a power of 2
but I don't know if there are any side effects not doing that
5/7GB level base is an order of magnitude higher than the default and
it's unclear what performance effect this has.

I would not advise tinkering with the defaults unless you have a lot
of time and energy to burn on testing and are willing to accept
potential future performance issues on upgrade because you run a setup
that nobody ever tests for.

What's the size of your OSDs, how much db space per OSD do you
actually have and what do the spillover warnings say?

> Istvan Szabo
> Senior Infrastructure Engineer
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Agoda Services Co., Ltd.
> e: istvan.sz...@agoda.com
> ---------------------------------------------------
> On 2021. Sep 21., at 9:19, Christian Wuerdig <christian.wuer...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Email received from the internet. If in doubt, don't click any link nor open 
> any attachment !
> ________________________________
> It's been discussed a few times on the list but RocksDB levels essentially
> grow by a factor of 10 (max_bytes_for_level_multiplier) by default and you
> need (level-1)*10 space for the next level on your drive to avoid spill over
> So the sequence (by default) is 256MB -> 2.56GB -> 25.6GB -> 256GB GB and
> since 50GB < 286 (sum of all levels) you get spill-over going from L2 to
> L3. See also
> https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/rados/configuration/bluestore-config-ref/#sizing
> Interestingly your level base seems to be 512MB instead of the default
> 256MB - did you change that? In your case the sequence I would have
> expected is 0.5 -> 5 -> 50 - and you should have already seen spillover at
> 5GB (since you only have 50GB partitions but you need 55.5GB at least)
> Not sure what's up with that. I think you need to re-create OSDs after
> changing these RocksDB params
> Overall since Pacific this no longer holds entirely true since RocksDB
> sharding was added (
> https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/rados/configuration/bluestore-config-ref/#bluestore-rocksdb-sharding)
> - it was broken in 16.2.4 but looks like it's fixed in 16.2.6
>   1. Upgrade to Pacific
>   2. Get rid of the NVME raid
>   3. Make 160GB DB partitions
>   4. Activate RocksDB sharding
>   5. Don't worry about RocksDB params
> If you don't feel like upgrading to Pacific any time soon but want to make
> more efficient use of the NVME and don't mind going out on a limp I'd still
> do 2+3 plus study
> https://github-wiki-see.page/m/facebook/rocksdb/wiki/Leveled-Compaction
> carefully and make adjustments based on that.
> With 160GB partitions a multiplier of 7 might work well with a base size of
> 350MB 0.35 -> 2.45 -> 17.15 -> 120.05 (total 140GB out of 160GB)
> You could also try to switch to a 9x multiplier and re-create one of the
> OSDs to see how it pans out prior to dissolving the raid1 setup (given your
> settings that should result in 0.5 -> 4.5 -> 40.5 GB usage)
> On Tue, 21 Sept 2021 at 13:19, mhnx <morphinwith...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello everyone!
> I want to understand the concept and tune my rocksDB options on nautilus
> 14.2.16.
>     osd.178 spilled over 102 GiB metadata from 'db' device (24 GiB used of
> 50 GiB) to slow device
>     osd.180 spilled over 91 GiB metadata from 'db' device (33 GiB used of
> 50 GiB) to slow device
> The problem is, I have the spill over warnings like the rest of the
> community.
> I tuned RocksDB Options with the settings below but the problem still
> exists and I wonder if I did anything wrong. I still have the Spill Overs
> and also some times index SSD's are getting down due to compaction problems
> and can not start them until I do offline compaction.
> Let me tell you about my hardware right?
> Every server in my system has:
> HDD -   19 x TOSHIBA  MG08SCA16TEY   16.0TB for EC pool.
> SSD -    3 x SAMSUNG  MZILS960HEHP/007 GXL0 960GB
> NVME - 2 x PM1725b 1.6TB
> I'm using Raid 1 Nvme for Bluestore DB. I dont have WAL.
> 19*50GB = 950GB total usage on NVME. (I was thinking use the rest but
> regret it now)
> So! Finally let's check my RocksDB Options:
> [osd]
> bluefs_buffered_io = true
> bluestore_rocksdb_options =
> compression=kNoCompression,max_write_buffer_number=32,min_write_buffer_number_to_merge=2,recycle_log_file_num=32,compaction_style=kCompactionStyleLevel,write_buffer_size=67108864,target_file_size_base=67108864,max_background_compactions=31,level0_file_num_compaction_trigger=8,level0_slowdown_writes_trigger=32,level0_stop_writes_trigger=64,flusher_threads=8,compaction_readahead_size=2MB,compaction_threads=16,
> *max_bytes_for_level_base=536870912*,
> *max_bytes_for_level_multiplier=10*
> *"ceph osd df tree"  *to see ssd and hdd usage, omap and meta.
> -28        280.04810        - 280 TiB 169 TiB 166 TiB 688 GiB 2.4 TiB 111
> TiB 60.40 1.00   -            host MHNX1
> 178   hdd   14.60149  1.00000  15 TiB 8.6 TiB 8.5 TiB  44 KiB 126 GiB 6.0
> TiB 59.21 0.98 174     up         osd.178
> 179   ssd    0.87329  1.00000 894 GiB 415 GiB  89 GiB 321 GiB 5.4 GiB 479
> GiB 46.46 0.77 104     up         osd.179
> I know the size of NVME is not suitable for 16TB HDD's. I should have more
> but the expense is cutting us pieces. Because of that I think I'll see the
> spill overs no matter what I do. But maybe I will make it better
> with your help!
> *My questions are:*
> 1- What is the meaning of (33 GiB used of 50 GiB)
> 2- Why it's not 50GiB / 50GiB ?
> 3- Do I have 17GiB unused area on the DB partition?
> 4- Is there anything wrong with my Rocksdb options?
> 5- How can I be sure and find the good Rocksdb Options for Ceph?
> 6- How can I measure the change and test it?
> 7- Do I need different RocksDB options for HDD's and SSD's ?
> 8- If I stop using Nvme Raid1 to gain x2 size and resize the DB's  to
> 160GiB. Is it worth to take Nvme faulty? Because I will lose 10HDD at the
> same time but I have 10 Node and that's only %5 of the EC data . I use m=8
> k=2.
> P.S: There are so many people asking and searching around this. I hope it
> will work this time.
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