Here you go:

Am 28.09.21 um 15:49 schrieb Sebastian Wagner:
> Am 28.09.21 um 15:12 schrieb Daniel Pivonka:
>> Hi,
>> 1. I believe the field is called  'rgw_frontend_port'
>> 2. I don't think something like that exists but probably should
> At least for RGWs, we have:
>> -Daniel Pivonka
>> On Mon, Sep 27, 2021 at 4:40 PM Sergei Genchev <> wrote:
>>> Hi, I need to deploy RGW with SSL and was looking at the page
>>>  I want rados gateway to
>>> listen on a custom port.
>>> My yaml file looks like this:
>>> service_type: rgw
>>> service_id: connectTest
>>> placement:
>>>   hosts:
>>>   - cv1xta-conctcephradosgw000
>>>   - cv1xta-conctcephradosgw001
>>> spec:
>>>   #ssl_port: 7443
>>>   #port: 7443
>>>   rgw_frontend_ssl_certificate: |
>>>     --MULTILINE CERT --
>>>   ssl: true
>>> I tried setting both port: and ssl_port, and could not make it work. I get
>>> Error EINVAL: ServiceSpec: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument
>>> 'ssl_port' or
>>> Error EINVAL: ServiceSpec: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument
>>> 'port'
>>> 1. Do you know how I can set up both SSL and a custom port?
>>> 2. More generic: is there a place where all available yaml config options
>>> are listed for rgw, and other services?
>>> Thanks!
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