So I did an export of the PG using ceph-objectstore-tool in hopes that I
could push ceph to forget about the rest of the data there. It was a
successful export but we’ll see how it goes importing it. I tried on one
osd already to import but got the message the PG already exists, am I doing
something wrong? Do I have to remove all fragments of the PG and force it
to go NOENT before trying an import?

On Wednesday, December 8, 2021, Eric Alba <> wrote:

> I've been trying to get ceph to force the PG to a good state but it
> continues to give me a single PG peering. This is a rook-ceph cluster on
> VMs (hosts went out for a brief period) and I can't figure out how to get
> this 1GB or so of data to become available to the client. This occurred
> during a cluster expansion. This gave the added joy of clock skew. Another
> 3 disks were being added to extend the cluster storage. This is a 3 node
> cluster with 6 200GB Disks each node.
>   cluster:
>     id:     31689324-f5ba-4aa4-8244-aa09a1119dc3
>     health: HEALTH_OK
>   services:
>     mon: 3 daemons, quorum a,c,d (age 41m)
>     mgr: a(active, since 2h)
>     osd: 18 osds: 18 up (since 17m), 18 in (since 2h); 1 remapped pgs
>   data:
>     pools:   2 pools, 768 pgs
>     objects: 184.38k objects, 707 GiB
>     usage:   1.4 TiB used, 2.1 TiB / 3.5 TiB avail
>     pgs:     0.130% pgs not active
>              767 active+clean
>              1   peering
>   io:
>     client:   14 KiB/s wr, 0 op/s rd, 1 op/s wr
>   progress:
>     Global Recovery Event (2h)
>       [===========================.] (remaining: 9s)
> PG map for problematic PG
> [root@rook-ceph-tools-5b54fb98c-kjt5t /]# ceph pg map 2.11c
> osdmap e11328 pg 2.11c (2.11c) -> up [17,12] acting [4]
> Don't see OSD 4 in pg dump:
> [root@rook-ceph-tools-5b54fb98c-kjt5t /]# ceph pg dump 2> /dev/null |
> egrep '2\.11c|MISS'
>                    VERSION         REPORTED        UP          UP_PRIMARY
> 2.11c        249                   0         0          0        0
>  1023758336            0           0  5352      5352       peering
>  2021-12-08T22:44:36.691204+0000    3669'8643974      11329:7414
> [17,12]          17     [17,12]              17   3162'8635517  200
> ceph pg 2.11c query
> {
>     "snap_trimq": "[]",
>     "snap_trimq_len": 0,
>     "state": "unknown",
>     "epoch": 12191,
>     "up": [
>         17,
>         12
>     ],
>     "acting": [
>         17,
>         12
>     ],
>     "info": {
>         "pgid": "2.11c",
>         "last_update": "3669'8643974",
>         "last_complete": "3669'8643974",
>         "log_tail": "3174'8638622",
>         "last_user_version": 8643974,
>         "last_backfill": "2:38e2dedc:::rbd_data.1d091ec6540582.
> 000000000000158e:head",
>         "purged_snaps": [],
>         "history": {
>             "epoch_created": 3286,
>             "epoch_pool_created": 13,
>             "last_epoch_started": 3725,
>             "last_interval_started": 3724,
>             "last_epoch_clean": 3544,
>             "last_interval_clean": 3543,
>             "last_epoch_split": 3286,
>             "last_epoch_marked_full": 0,
>             "same_up_since": 9923,
>             "same_interval_since": 12191,
>             "same_primary_since": 12191,
>             "last_scrub": "3162'8635517",
>             "last_scrub_stamp": "2021-12-06T22:16:26.082945+0000",
>             "last_deep_scrub": "3122'8608768",
>             "last_deep_scrub_stamp": "2021-12-04T02:35:48.882906+0000",
>             "last_clean_scrub_stamp": "2021-12-06T22:16:26.082945+0000",
>             "prior_readable_until_ub": 0
>         },
>         "stats": {
>             "version": "3669'8643974",
>             "reported_seq": 8277,
>             "reported_epoch": 12191,
>             "state": "peering",
>             "last_fresh": "2021-12-08T22:59:01.450813+0000",
>             "last_change": "2021-12-08T22:59:01.450813+0000",
>             "last_active": "0.000000",
>             "last_peered": "0.000000",
>             "last_clean": "0.000000",
>             "last_became_active": "0.000000",
>             "last_became_peered": "0.000000",
>             "last_unstale": "2021-12-08T22:59:01.450813+0000",
>             "last_undegraded": "2021-12-08T22:59:01.450813+0000",
>             "last_fullsized": "2021-12-08T22:59:01.450813+0000",
>             "mapping_epoch": 12191,
>             "log_start": "3174'8638622",
>             "ondisk_log_start": "3174'8638622",
>             "created": 3286,
>             "last_epoch_clean": 3544,
>             "parent": "0.0",
>             "parent_split_bits": 0,
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>             "last_scrub_stamp": "2021-12-06T22:16:26.082945+0000",
>             "last_deep_scrub": "3122'8608768",
>             "last_deep_scrub_stamp": "2021-12-04T02:35:48.882906+0000",
>             "last_clean_scrub_stamp": "2021-12-06T22:16:26.082945+0000",
>             "log_size": 5352,
>             "ondisk_log_size": 5352,
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>             "dirty_stats_invalid": false,
>             "omap_stats_invalid": false,
>             "hitset_stats_invalid": false,
>             "hitset_bytes_stats_invalid": false,
>             "pin_stats_invalid": false,
>             "manifest_stats_invalid": false,
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>                 "num_objects_missing": 0,
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>                 "num_write_kb": 0,
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>                 "num_evict_kb": 0,
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>             },
>             "up": [
>                 17,
>                 12
>             ],
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>                 17,
>                 12
>             ],
>             "avail_no_missing": [],
>             "object_location_counts": [],
>             "blocked_by": [
>                 0,
>                 1,
>                 4,
>                 6,
>                 7,
>                 12
>             ],
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>             "purged_snaps": []
>         },
>         "empty": 0,
>         "dne": 0,
>         "incomplete": 1,
>         "last_epoch_started": 3565,
>         "hit_set_history": {
>             "current_last_update": "0'0",
>             "history": []
>         }
>     },
>     "peer_info": [
>         {
>             "peer": "0",
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>             "last_complete": "0'0",
>             "log_tail": "0'0",
>             "last_user_version": 0,
>             "last_backfill": "MAX",
>             "purged_snaps": [],
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>                 "epoch_created": 3286,
>                 "epoch_pool_created": 13,
>                 "last_epoch_started": 3725,
>                 "last_interval_started": 3724,
>                 "last_epoch_clean": 3544,
>                 "last_interval_clean": 3543,
>                 "last_epoch_split": 3286,
>                 "last_epoch_marked_full": 0,
>                 "same_up_since": 9923,
>                 "same_interval_since": 12191,
>                 "same_primary_since": 12191,
>                 "last_scrub": "3162'8635517",
>                 "last_scrub_stamp": "2021-12-06T22:16:26.082945+0000",
>                 "last_deep_scrub": "3122'8608768",
>                 "last_deep_scrub_stamp": "2021-12-04T02:35:48.882906+
> 0000",
>                 "last_clean_scrub_stamp": "2021-12-06T22:16:26.082945+
> 0000",
>                 "prior_readable_until_ub": 0
>             },
>             "stats": {
>                 "version": "0'0",
>                 "reported_seq": 2,
>                 "reported_epoch": 5384,
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>                 "last_fresh": "2021-12-08T20:54:53.732167+0000",
>                 "last_change": "2021-12-08T20:54:53.732009+0000",
>                 "last_active": "0.000000",
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>                 "last_became_active": "0.000000",
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>                 "last_undegraded": "2021-12-08T20:54:53.732167+0000",
>                 "last_fullsized": "2021-12-08T20:54:53.732167+0000",
>                 "mapping_epoch": 12191,
>                 "log_start": "0'0",
>                 "ondisk_log_start": "0'0",
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>                 "last_deep_scrub": "3122'8608768",
>                 "last_deep_scrub_stamp": "2021-12-04T02:35:48.882906+
> 0000",
>                 "last_clean_scrub_stamp": "2021-12-06T22:16:26.082945+
> 0000",
>                 "log_size": 0,
>                 "ondisk_log_size": 0,
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>                 "omap_stats_invalid": false,
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>                 "pin_stats_invalid": false,
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>                     17,
>                     12
>                 ],
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>                     17,
>                     12
>                 ],
>                 "avail_no_missing": [],
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>                     1,
>                     6,
>                     7,
>                     12
>                 ],
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>             },
>             "empty": 1,
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>                 "current_last_update": "0'0",
>                 "history": []
>             }
>         },
>         {
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>             },
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>                 "purged_snaps": []
>             },
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>                 "current_last_update": "0'0",
>                 "history": []
>             }
>         },
>         {
>             "peer": "4",
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>             "last_complete": "3425'8643930",
>             "log_tail": "3174'8638622",
>             "last_user_version": 8643930,
>             "last_backfill": "MAX",
>             "purged_snaps": [],
>             "history": {
>                 "epoch_created": 3286,
>                 "epoch_pool_created": 13,
>                 "last_epoch_started": 3725,
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>                 "last_interval_clean": 3543,
>                 "last_epoch_split": 3286,
>                 "last_epoch_marked_full": 0,
>                 "same_up_since": 9923,
>                 "same_interval_since": 12191,
>                 "same_primary_since": 12191,
>                 "last_scrub": "3162'8635517",
>                 "last_scrub_stamp": "2021-12-06T22:16:26.082945+0000",
>                 "last_deep_scrub": "3122'8608768",
>                 "last_deep_scrub_stamp": "2021-12-04T02:35:48.882906+
> 0000",
>                 "last_clean_scrub_stamp": "2021-12-06T22:16:26.082945+
> 0000",
>                 "prior_readable_until_ub": 0
>             },
>             "stats": {
>                 "version": "3425'8643930",
>                 "reported_seq": 11928359,
>                 "reported_epoch": 12190,
>                 "state": "remapped+peering",
>                 "last_fresh": "2021-12-08T22:59:00.436034+0000",
>                 "last_change": "2021-12-08T22:59:00.436034+0000",
>                 "last_active": "2021-12-07T20:45:51.712823+0000",
>                 "last_peered": "2021-12-07T20:22:45.680619+0000",
>                 "last_clean": "2021-12-07T20:17:36.452233+0000",
>                 "last_became_active": "2021-12-07T20:17:39.677192+0000",
>                 "last_became_peered": "2021-12-07T20:17:39.677192+0000",
>                 "last_unstale": "2021-12-08T22:59:00.436034+0000",
>                 "last_undegraded": "2021-12-08T22:59:00.436034+0000",
>                 "last_fullsized": "2021-12-08T22:59:00.436034+0000",
>                 "mapping_epoch": 12191,
>                 "log_start": "3174'8638622",
>                 "ondisk_log_start": "3174'8638622",
>                 "created": 3286,
>                 "last_epoch_clean": 3544,
>                 "parent": "0.0",
>                 "parent_split_bits": 9,
>                 "last_scrub": "3162'8635517",
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>                 "last_deep_scrub": "3122'8608768",
>                 "last_deep_scrub_stamp": "2021-12-04T02:35:48.882906+
> 0000",
>                 "last_clean_scrub_stamp": "2021-12-06T22:16:26.082945+
> 0000",
>                 "log_size": 5308,
>                 "ondisk_log_size": 5308,
>                 "stats_invalid": true,
>                 "dirty_stats_invalid": false,
>                 "omap_stats_invalid": false,
>                 "hitset_stats_invalid": false,
>                 "hitset_bytes_stats_invalid": false,
>                 "pin_stats_invalid": false,
>                 "manifest_stats_invalid": false,
>                 "snaptrimq_len": 0,
>                 "stat_sum": {
>                     "num_bytes": 1466349568,
>                     "num_objects": 358,
>                     "num_object_clones": 0,
>                     "num_object_copies": 716,
>                     "num_objects_missing_on_primary": 0,
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>                     "num_scrub_errors": 0,
>                     "num_shallow_scrub_errors": 0,
>                     "num_deep_scrub_errors": 0,
>                     "num_objects_recovered": 711,
>                     "num_bytes_recovered": 2800112640,
>                     "num_keys_recovered": 5,
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>                     "num_bytes_hit_set_archive": 0,
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>                     "num_evict_kb": 0,
>                     "num_promote": 0,
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