Hi Adam,

Big Thanks for the responses and clarifying the global usage of the --image
parameter.  Eventhough, I gave --image during bootstrap only mgr & mon
daemons on the bootstrap host are getting created with that image and the
rest of the demons are created on the image daemon-base as I mentioned

So, there are two images coming into action here. First one can be
controlled with the --image parameter in bootstrap( which worked when
supplied in front of bootstrap keyword).
The second container image is controlled by the variable 'container_image'
which is set to 'docker.io/ceph/daemon-base:latest-pacific-devel' by
Even Though it can be modified at runtime after bootstrap the existing
daemons will not be modified. But, that case can be handled with the 'ceph
orch upgrade' command like you mentioned at first.
However, it is observed that if we mention this variable in the bootstrap
config file, all the daemons will be created with the mentioned image from
bootstrap itself.

So, the take away from this is we mention the first image using the
'--image' argument in bootstrap command and second image using the variable
'container_image' in the bootstrap config file all dameons will be created
with the same image.

So the question is, is cephadm really require two images?

Also, one more observation I had is; even though I gave the same image in
both the above said provisions, I can see a difference among the same type
of daemons created on different hosts. (Even Though all dameons uses single
image in effect)

Following is a result of a cluster created on 3 hosts. The bootstrap
command is below:(rest of the services are deployed using ceph orch)

'sudo cephadm --image quay.io/ceph/ceph:v16.2.7 bootstrap
--skip-monitoring-stack --mon-ip --cluster-network --ssh-user ceph_deploy --ssh-private-key
/home/ceph_deploy/.ssh/id_rsa --ssh-public-key
/home/ceph_deploy/.ssh/id_rsa.pub --config
/home/ceph_deploy/ceph_bootstrap/ceph.conf --initial-dashboard-password
Qwe4Rt6D33 --dashboard-password--noupdate --no-minimize-config

[root@hcictrl01 stack_orchestrator]# ceph orch ls

crash                   3/3  9m ago     15m  *

mds.cephfs              3/3  9m ago     9m
mgr                     3/3  9m ago     13m
mon                     3/5  9m ago     15m  count:5

osd                       8  9m ago     -    <unmanaged>

rgw.rgw     ?:7480      3/3  9m ago     9m

[root@hcictrl01 stack_orchestrator]# ceph orch ps
NAME                         HOST       PORTS   STATUS         REFRESHED
crash.hcictrl01              hcictrl01          running (15m)     9m ago
 15m    6983k        -  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  f6f866f4be92
crash.hcictrl02              hcictrl02          running (14m)     9m ago
 14m    6987k        -  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  1cb62e191c07
crash.hcictrl03              hcictrl03          running (14m)     9m ago
 14m    6995k        -  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  3e03f99065c0
mds.cephfs.hcictrl01.vuamjy  hcictrl01          running (10m)     9m ago
 10m    13.0M        -  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  9b3aeab68115
mds.cephfs.hcictrl02.myohpi  hcictrl02          running (10m)     9m ago
 10m    15.6M        -  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  5cded1208028
mds.cephfs.hcictrl03.jziler  hcictrl03          running (10m)     9m ago
 10m    12.6M        -  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  94dccd01a123
mgr.hcictrl01.ljtznv         hcictrl01  *:9283  running (16m)     9m ago
 16m     428M        -  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  5bc89cc72b37
mgr.hcictrl02.izfnvh         hcictrl02  *:8443  running (14m)     9m ago
 14m     382M        -  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  acd435a8b6b1
mgr.hcictrl03.eekrgo         hcictrl03  *:8443  running (14m)     9m ago
 14m     382M        -  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  3c241b35a3fe
mon.hcictrl01                hcictrl01          running (16m)     9m ago
 16m    79.9M    2048M  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  19a2db98043a
mon.hcictrl02                hcictrl02          running (14m)     9m ago
 14m    88.2M    2048M  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  4941ee015e75
mon.hcictrl03                hcictrl03          running (14m)     9m ago
 14m    86.2M    2048M  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  150cb8e9d25d
osd.0                        hcictrl02          running (13m)     9m ago
 13m    31.8M    1536M  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  9dc98cc6ba3d
osd.1                        hcictrl02          running (13m)     9m ago
 13m    42.4M    1536M  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  62caab356b02
osd.2                        hcictrl02          running (12m)     9m ago
 12m    58.9M    1536M  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  38ea17598fa5
osd.3                        hcictrl01          running (12m)     9m ago
 12m    35.1M    1536M  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  03284b111258
osd.4                        hcictrl01          running (11m)     9m ago
 11m    44.1M    1536M  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  3e3315fbb46a
osd.5                        hcictrl01          running (11m)     9m ago
 11m    54.6M    1536M  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  1f90169412a5
osd.6                        hcictrl03          running (11m)     9m ago
 11m    35.2M    1536M  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  d26811c0c9fc
osd.7                        hcictrl03          running (10m)     9m ago
 10m    59.1M    1536M  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  1ce10dcfa6ca
rgw.rgw.hcictrl01.ceruvj     hcictrl01  *:7480  running (9m)      9m ago
9m    49.6M        -  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  c2c45767cda5
rgw.rgw.hcictrl02.pzgwht     hcictrl02  *:7480  running (9m)      9m ago
9m    18.6M        -  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  461c0869e559
rgw.rgw.hcictrl03.ryrptr     hcictrl03  *:7480  running (9m)      9m ago
9m    20.9M        -  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  8fac107de350

[root@hcictrl01 stack_orchestrator]# ceph config dump | grep -i image
global                                     basic     container_image


container list on bootstrap host:(image name is not uniform across all

[root@hcictrl01 stack_orchestrator]# podman ps
                             COMMAND               CREATED         STATUS
          PORTS       NAMES
19a2db98043a  quay.io/ceph/ceph:v16.2.7
                             -n mon.hcictrl01 ...  17 minutes ago  Up 17
minutes ago
5bc89cc72b37  quay.io/ceph/ceph:v16.2.7
                             -n mgr.hcictrl01....  17 minutes ago  Up 17
minutes ago
 -n client.crash.h...  15 minutes ago  Up 15 minutes ago
 -n osd.3 -f --set...  12 minutes ago  Up 12 minutes ago
 -n osd.4 -f --set...  12 minutes ago  Up 12 minutes ago
 -n osd.5 -f --set...  11 minutes ago  Up 11 minutes ago
 -n mds.cephfs.hci...  10 minutes ago  Up 10 minutes ago
 -n client.rgw.rgw...  10 minutes ago  Up 10 minutes ago

In the above output, the mon and mgr on bootstrap node is referring to the
container image with tag (v16.2.7 ) unlike the rest of the daemons where it
refers with the image digest.
Even Though the digest belong to the same image, a non-uniform behaviour is
observed in the  warning generated by mons(see below)

[root@hcictrl01 stack_orchestrator]# ceph health detail
HEALTH_WARN mons are allowing insecure global_id reclaim
global_id reclaim
    mon.hcictrl02 has auth_allow_insecure_global_id_reclaim set to true
    mon.hcictrl03 has auth_allow_insecure_global_id_reclaim set to true

>From the above outputs, it can be observed that even the mons on all hosts
are created with the same image, only the mon on host2 and host3 have the
warning about auth_allow_insecure_global_id_reclaim(which gives it a
suspicious about the code running mon on bootstrap host)


Once we upgrade all daemons to the same image, the mon and mgr on bootstrap
node is redeployed and the auth_allow_insecure_global_id_reclaim warning
can be observed uniformly across all mons.

ceph orch upgrade start quay.io/ceph/ceph:v16.2.7

[root@hcictrl01 stack_orchestrator]# ceph orch upgrade status
    "target_image": null,
    "in_progress": false,
    "services_complete": [],
    "progress": null,
    "message": ""

[root@hcictrl01 stack_orchestrator]# ceph orch ps
NAME                         HOST       PORTS   STATUS         REFRESHED
crash.hcictrl01              hcictrl01          running (40m)     4m ago
 40m    6975k        -  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  f6f866f4be92
crash.hcictrl02              hcictrl02          running (40m)     4m ago
 40m    6975k        -  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  1cb62e191c07
crash.hcictrl03              hcictrl03          running (39m)     4m ago
 39m    6979k        -  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  3e03f99065c0
mds.cephfs.hcictrl01.vuamjy  hcictrl01          running (35m)     4m ago
 35m    15.5M        -  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  9b3aeab68115
mds.cephfs.hcictrl02.myohpi  hcictrl02          running (35m)     4m ago
 35m    16.7M        -  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  5cded1208028
mds.cephfs.hcictrl03.jziler  hcictrl03          running (35m)     4m ago
 35m    15.4M        -  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  94dccd01a123
mgr.hcictrl01.ljtznv         hcictrl01  *:8443  running (15m)     4m ago
 42m     387M        -  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  448c6fab2b98
mgr.hcictrl02.izfnvh         hcictrl02  *:8443  running (40m)     4m ago
 40m     448M        -  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  acd435a8b6b1
mgr.hcictrl03.eekrgo         hcictrl03  *:8443  running (39m)     4m ago
 39m     384M        -  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  3c241b35a3fe
mon.hcictrl01                hcictrl01          running (15m)     4m ago
 42m     123M    2048M  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  b2a8bdbd6983
mon.hcictrl02                hcictrl02          running (40m)     4m ago
 40m     135M    2048M  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  4941ee015e75
mon.hcictrl03                hcictrl03          running (39m)     4m ago
 39m     128M    2048M  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  150cb8e9d25d
osd.0                        hcictrl02          running (39m)     4m ago
 39m    66.4M    1536M  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  9dc98cc6ba3d
osd.1                        hcictrl02          running (39m)     4m ago
 39m    69.2M    1536M  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  62caab356b02
osd.2                        hcictrl02          running (38m)     4m ago
 38m    88.7M    1536M  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  38ea17598fa5
osd.3                        hcictrl01          running (38m)     4m ago
 38m    72.1M    1536M  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  03284b111258
osd.4                        hcictrl01          running (37m)     4m ago
 37m    67.3M    1536M  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  3e3315fbb46a
osd.5                        hcictrl01          running (37m)     4m ago
 37m    87.5M    1536M  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  1f90169412a5
osd.6                        hcictrl03          running (36m)     4m ago
 36m    74.4M    1536M  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  d26811c0c9fc
osd.7                        hcictrl03          running (36m)     4m ago
 36m    98.8M    1536M  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  1ce10dcfa6ca
rgw.rgw.hcictrl01.ceruvj     hcictrl01  *:7480  running (35m)     4m ago
 35m    52.1M        -  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  c2c45767cda5
rgw.rgw.hcictrl02.pzgwht     hcictrl02  *:7480  running (35m)     4m ago
 35m    52.1M        -  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  461c0869e559
rgw.rgw.hcictrl03.ryrptr     hcictrl03  *:7480  running (35m)     4m ago
 35m    54.4M        -  16.2.7   231fd40524c4  8fac107de350

[root@hcictrl01 stack_orchestrator]# ceph config dump | grep -i image
global                                     basic     container_image


[root@hcictrl01 stack_orchestrator]# ceph health detail
HEALTH_WARN mons are allowing insecure global_id reclaim
global_id reclaim
    mon.hcictrl01 has auth_allow_insecure_global_id_reclaim set to true
    mon.hcictrl02 has auth_allow_insecure_global_id_reclaim set to true
    mon.hcictrl03 has auth_allow_insecure_global_id_reclaim set to true

container on bootstrap node:(image name is uniform across all dameons)

[root@hcictrl01 stack_orchestrator]# podman ps
                             COMMAND               CREATED         STATUS
          PORTS       NAMES
 -n client.crash.h...  43 minutes ago  Up 43 minutes ago
 -n osd.3 -f --set...  41 minutes ago  Up 41 minutes ago
 -n osd.4 -f --set...  40 minutes ago  Up 40 minutes ago
 -n osd.5 -f --set...  40 minutes ago  Up 40 minutes ago
 -n mds.cephfs.hci...  38 minutes ago  Up 38 minutes ago
 -n client.rgw.rgw...  38 minutes ago  Up 38 minutes ago
 -n mgr.hcictrl01....  18 minutes ago  Up 18 minutes ago
 -n mon.hcictrl01 ...  18 minutes ago  Up 18 minutes ago

So, we are confused on the container image usage in an ideal ceph cluster;
whether there should be two images, both images should be the same or not,
should we run the 'upgrade' ideally on cluster creations ? etc..

Please mind the length of the response.

Thanks in advance.

Thanks and Regards,
Arun Vinod

On Tue, 1 Feb 2022 at 14:48, Arun Vinod <arunvinod.t...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Adam,
> Thanks for replying.
> I have tried the "ceph orch upgrade start <image-name>" as a workaround
> and it works as expected. All the daemons are recreated with the stable
> version of the image. However, it still requires an initial fetch of the
> latest-pacific-devel image and creation of daemons with that.
> Also,  cephadm bootstrap was not allowing --image option, so in order to
> specify the image name I have updated the value of DEFAULT_IMAGE  in the
> cephadm script  (/usr/bin/cephadm) as follows
> DEFAULT_IMAGE = 'quay.io/ceph/ceph:v16.2.7
> I have attached two logs along with this email, first one is the cephadm
> log from the bootstrap node and the second one is from the second host
> after adding it to the cluster.
> bootstrap command  used:
> *sudo cephadm bootstrap --skip-monitoring-stack --mon-ip *.*.*.*
> --cluster-network *.*.*.*/24 --ssh-user ceph_user --ssh-private-key
> /home/ceph_user/.ssh/id_rsa --ssh-public-key
> /home/ceph_user/.ssh/id_rsa.pub --config
> /home/ceph_user/ceph_bootstrap/ceph.conf  --no-minimize-config*
> containers in bootstrap host:
> [root@hcictrl01 ~]# podman ps -a --format "{{.Image}} {{.Command}}
> {{.Names}}"
> quay.io/ceph/ceph:v16.2.7 -n mon.hcictrl01 ...
> ceph-6eaf15d8-8332-11ec-b820-0015171590ba-mon-hcictrl01
> quay.io/ceph/ceph:v16.2.7 -n mgr.hcictrl01....
> ceph-6eaf15d8-8332-11ec-b820-0015171590ba-mgr-hcictrl01-vmdxbg
> docker.io/ceph/daemon-base:latest-pacific-devel -n client.crash.h...
> ceph-6eaf15d8-8332-11ec-b820-0015171590ba-crash-hcictrl01
> host add command used:
> *ceph orch host add hcictrl02 *.*.*.* --labels _admin*
> containers in second host:
> [root@hcictrl02 ~]# podman ps -a --format "{{.Image}} {{.Command}}
> {{.Names}}"
> docker.io/ceph/daemon-base:latest-pacific-devel -n client.crash.h...
> ceph-6eaf15d8-8332-11ec-b820-0015171590ba-crash-hcictrl02
> docker.io/ceph/daemon-base:latest-pacific-devel -n mgr.hcictrl02....
> ceph-6eaf15d8-8332-11ec-b820-0015171590ba-mgr-hcictrl02-xfbcwn
> docker.io/ceph/daemon-base:latest-pacific-devel -n mon.hcictrl02 ...
> ceph-6eaf15d8-8332-11ec-b820-0015171590ba-mon-hcictrl02
> However, does the following line have anything to do with this behaviour
> of cephadm?
> https://github.com/ceph/ceph/blob/v16.2.7/src/common/options.cc#L459
> [root@hcictrl01 ~]# ceph-conf -D | grep -i container_image
> container_image = docker.io/ceph/daemon-base:latest-pacific-devel
> Thanks and Regards,
> Arun Vinod
> On Mon, 31 Jan 2022 at 22:25, Adam King <adk...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> Hi Arun,
>> Not sure exactly how things got this way. When you provide "--image
>> <image-name>" when bootstrapping that should set the image to be used for
>> all ceph containers. I've never seen just the bootstrap mgr/mon get a
>> totally different image. Would be interesting to maybe see the full
>> bootstrap output here as this issue is new to me.
>> As for resolving the issue, you should be able to use the upgrade
>> procedure to get all the containers on the right image. Just "ceph orch
>> upgrade start <image-name>" then just keep checking "ceph orch upgrade
>> status" until it no longer says it's in progress. That should get all the
>> ceph daemons on whatever image it is you specify in the upgrade start
>> command and cause future ceph daemons to be deployed with that image as
>> well.
>> - Adam King
>> On Mon, Jan 31, 2022 at 10:08 AM Arun Vinod <arunvinod.t...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> How can change the default behaviour of cepham to use stable container
>>> images instead of default latest/devel images.
>>> By default when we try to bootstrap a cluster and add two additional
>>> hosts
>>> after bootstrap finished, dameons are created on two container images.
>>> Which are, *quay.io/ceph/ceph:v16 <http://quay.io/ceph/ceph:v16>* and
>>> *docker.io/ceph/daemon-base:latest-pacific-devel
>>> <http://docker.io/ceph/daemon-base:latest-pacific-devel>*.
>>> The ceph:v16 image from quay.io is stable but the second image from
>>> docker.io is not , due to the latest/devel tags which are basically
>>> untested images according to ceph.
>>> How can we specify cephadm to use a stable version of image for
>>> *daemon-base.*
>>> The following is the final list of containers created on the cluster
>>> after
>>> bootstrap is finished and another host added. Here the mon, mgr daemons
>>> on
>>> both hosts are running on different container image. Most importantly,
>>> most
>>> of the containers are running on latest-pacific-devel containers, which
>>> is
>>> not apt for a production cluster.
>>> In bootstrap node:
>>> CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                                            COMMAND
>>>           CREATED      STATUS          PORTS       NAMES
>>> afeb6f92deb2  quay.io/ceph/ceph:v16.2.7                        -n
>>> mon.hcictrl01 ...  4 hours ago  Up 4 hours ago
>>>  ceph-e8200504-8287-11ec-a14f-0015171590ba-mon-hcictrl01
>>> c43d48766a08  quay.io/ceph/ceph:v16.2.7                        -n
>>> mgr.hcictrl01....  4 hours ago  Up 4 hours ago
>>>  ceph-e8200504-8287-11ec-a14f-0015171590ba-mgr-hcictrl01-rmosyh
>>> d70cea0fd561  docker.io/ceph/daemon-base:latest-pacific-devel  -n
>>> client.crash.h...  4 hours ago  Up 4 hours ago
>>>  ceph-e8200504-8287-11ec-a14f-0015171590ba-crash-hcictrl01
>>> In rest of the nodes:
>>> CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                                            COMMAND
>>>           CREATED        STATUS            PORTS       NAMES
>>> d816ee470753  docker.io/ceph/daemon-base:latest-pacific-devel  -n
>>> client.crash.h...  6 minutes ago  Up 6 minutes ago
>>>  ceph-e8200504-8287-11ec-a14f-0015171590ba-crash-hcictrl02
>>> dde4646f4819  docker.io/ceph/daemon-base:latest-pacific-devel  -n
>>> mgr.hcictrl02....  6 minutes ago  Up 6 minutes ago
>>>  ceph-e8200504-8287-11ec-a14f-0015171590ba-mgr-hcictrl02-hfhapx
>>> 12191a039525  docker.io/ceph/daemon-base:latest-pacific-devel  -n
>>> mon.hcictrl02 ...  6 minutes ago  Up 6 minutes ago
>>>  ceph-e8200504-8287-11ec-a14f-0015171590ba-mon-hcictrl02
>>> Can someone help to explain how cepham chooses this default image or any
>>> workaround to choose a specific image instead of devel images.
>>> Thanks in advance.
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