I am attempting to set up a 3 node Ceph cluster using Ubuntu server 22.04LTS, 
and the Cehpadm deployment tool.

3 times I've succeeded in setting up ceph itself, getting the cluster healthy, and OSDs 
all set up. The nodes (all monitors) are at,, and All nodes have a second "backend" network on separate interface 
in the range.

I then create a RBD pool called "rbd".

All is healthy with the cluster per the dashboard up to this point.

I then try to set up iSCSI gateways on and, 
following these 

That means doing `cephadm shell`, getting the `iscsi.yaml` file into the docker 
container (with echo since there seems to be no text editors available) and 
then running their recommended deployment command of `ceph orch apply -i 
iscsi.yaml`. The yaml file has in it:

    service_type: iscsi
    service_id: iscsi
        - ceph1
        - ceph3
      pool: rbd  # RADOS pool where ceph-iscsi config data is stored.

I then get in the dashboard status page there there are 2 iSCSI gateways 
configured, but down.

In services, it shows that the services are running:


 On the iSCSI gateways page it shows this:

(Ceph dashboard iSCSI gateway page showing both gateways 

Looking on one of the node's containers, it does look like cephadm 
started/deployed containers for this (apologies in advance for the horrible 
email formatting of a console table - look at the first two):

    root@ceph1:~# docker ps
    CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                     COMMAND            
      CREATED             STATUS             PORTS     NAMES
    cefaf78b98ee   quay.ceph.io/ceph-ci/ceph                 
"/usr/bin/rbd-target…"   About an hour ago   Up About an hour             
    b405b321bd6a   quay.ceph.io/ceph-ci/ceph                 
"/usr/bin/tcmu-runner"   About an hour ago   Up About an hour             
    a05af7ac9609   quay.io/prometheus/prometheus:v2.33.4     "/bin/prometheus 
--c…"   About an hour ago   Up About an hour             
    4699606a7878   quay.io/prometheus/alertmanager:v0.23.0   "/bin/alertmanager 
-…"   About an hour ago   Up About an hour             
    103abafd0c19   quay.ceph.io/ceph-ci/ceph                 "/usr/bin/ceph-osd 
-…"   About an hour ago   Up About an hour             
    adcad13a1dcb   quay.ceph.io/ceph-ci/ceph                 "/usr/bin/ceph-osd 
-…"   About an hour ago   Up About an hour             
    9626b0794794   quay.io/ceph/ceph-grafana:8.3.5           "/bin/sh -c 
'grafana…"   About an hour ago   Up About an hour             
    9a717edbf83f   quay.io/prometheus/node-exporter:v1.3.1   "/bin/node_exporter 
…"   About an hour ago   Up About an hour             
    c1c52d37baf1   quay.ceph.io/ceph-ci/ceph                 
"/usr/bin/ceph-crash…"   About an hour ago   Up About an hour             
    f6b2c9fef7e9   quay.ceph.io/ceph-ci/ceph:master          "/usr/bin/ceph-mgr 
-…"   About an hour ago   Up About an hour             
    8889082c55b1   quay.ceph.io/ceph-ci/ceph:master          "/usr/bin/ceph-mon 
-…"   About an hour ago   Up About an hour             

I have tried a fresh redeployment with setting the API username and password in 
the iscsi.yaml file to the same as the main Ceph dashboard login, but that just 
gave 500 errors when trying to got to the iSCSI gateway page.

I have also tried setting the dashboard not to verify SSL certs as I don't have 
any signed ones:

    root@ceph1:/# ceph dashboard set-iscsi-api-ssl-verification false

I have also tried looking at the URLs it is using, and going to them in a 
browser. I get 404 errors when trying to go to those in a browser, but that may 
be normal if it's an API base URL:

    root@ceph1:/# ceph dashboard iscsi-gateway-list
    {"gateways": {"ceph1": {"service_url":"http://admin:admin@"}, "ceph3": 

(The above had the admin username and password for the main dashboard encoded 
into the URL on a previous deployment where I set the api_user and api_password 
is the iscsi.yaml file.

Doing `cephadm shell` and then trying `gwcli` gives:

    REST API failure, code : 500
    Unable to access the configuration object
    Unable to contact the local API endpoint (https://localhost:5000/api)

Trying the API with wget from one of the nodes (so we are coming from a trusted 
IP) gives:

    wgethttp://  --user "admin" --password "admin"
    --2022-05-13 19:32:54--
    Connecting to connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 401 UNAUTHORIZED
    Unknown authentication scheme.
Username/Password Authentication Failed.
The same occurrs whether I use empty username and password, the main ceph 
username and password, or the (above) admin/admin.

How can I get these iSCSI gateways to come up? How do I troubleshoot this from 
here? What can I check to get more information on what is going off the rails 
here? Is it just that the dashboard is having trouble, but it would work from 
CLI (if so, what commands can I use (and where do I run them with all these 
docker containers) to see status and set up ISCSI targets?)
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