The data only seems to be gone (if you mean what I think you mean) because the MGRs are not running and the OSDs can’t report their status. But are all MONs and OSDs up? What is the ceph status? What do the MGRs log when trying to start them?

Zitat von Jorge Garcia <>:

We have a Nautilus cluster that just got hit by a bad power outage. When
the admin systems came back up, only the ceph-mgr process was running (all
the ceph-mon processes would not start). I tried following the instructions
(particularly the "Recovery using OSDs" section). I got it so the mon
processes would start, but then the ceph-mgr process died, and would not
restart. Not sure how to recover so both ceph-mgr and ceph-mon processes
run. In the meantime, all the data is gone. Any suggestions?
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