Dear all,

System: latest Octopus, 8+3 erasure Cephfs

I have a PG that has been driving me crazy.
It had gotten to a bad state after heavy backfilling, combined with OSD going 
down in turn.

State is:


I have tried repairing it with ceph-objectstore-tool, but no luck so far.
Given the time recovery takes this way and since data are under backup, I 
thought that I would do the "easy" approach instead and:

  *   scan pg_files with cephfs-data-scan
  *   delete data beloging to that pool
  *   recreate PG with "ceph osd force-create-pg"
  *   restore data

Although, this has shown not to be so easy after all.

ceph osd force-create-pg 20.13f --yes-i-really-mean-it

seems to be accepted well enough with "pg 20.13f now creating, ok", but then 
nothing happens.
Issuing the command again just gives a "pg 20.13f already creating" response.

If I restart the primary OSD, then the pending force-create-pg disappears.

I read that this could be due to crush map issue, but I have checked and that 
does not seem to be the case.

Would it, for instance, be possible to do the force-create-pg manually with 
something like this?:

  *   set nobackfill and norecovery
  *   delete the pgs shards one by one
  *   unset nobackfill and norecovery

Any idea on how to proceed from here is most welcome.


Jesper Lykkegaard Karlsen
Scientific Computing
Centre for Structural Biology
Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics
Aarhus University
Universitetsbyen 81
8000 Aarhus C

Tlf:    +45 50906203

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