> Hello,
> still do not really understand why this error message comes up.
> The error message contains two significant numbers. The first one which is 
> easy to understand is the maximal value of pgs for each osd a precompiled 
> config variable (mon_max_pg_per_osd). The value on my cluster is 250.

This is somewhat subtle.  This limit is not sum(pg_num) / #OSDs, it’s the 
maximum number of PGs that can be present on a given OSD.  Which means, as 
Frank noted, *shards* / replicas, since each PG is located on multiple OSDs.

> This value is multiplied by the total number of osds (88): The result is the 
> value of maximal 22000 pgs for the whole cluster (based on 
> mon_max_pg_per_osd).

22000 PG *shards/replicas*.  It would be less confusing if we had a different 
term there.

> Well as said the whole cluster does only have 2592 pgs at the moment and I 
> wanted to add another 512+128 pgs.

> Then there is the second value "22148". The meaning can only be pgs since 
> this value is beeing compared to the total number of pgs for the whole 
> cluster (based on "mon_max_pg_per_osd").
> One solution to that problem could be that mon_max_pg_per_osd does not as the 
> named suggests mean: max pgs/osd, but instead max shards/osd. If this is 
> true, then multiplying my pgs by the number of shards (5+3 for me) would be a 
> value higher than 22000 if I add the shards for the new pool I wanted to 
> create.

You have the idea.  But remember when using replication, PGs aren’t sharded.

> If this is true, then  the chosen naming of mon_max_pg_per_osd would simply 
> be misleading.

I wouldn’t say misleading, but perhaps *ambiguous*.  With the default value, 
each OSD in fact can host 250 PGs. Which “per” sort of connotes.

> Thanks
> Rainer
> Am 01.12.22 um 19:00 schrieb Eugen Block:
>>> "got unexpected control message: TASK ERROR: error with 'osd pool create': 
>>> mon_command failed -  pg_num 512 size 8 would mean 22148 total pgs, which 
>>> exceeds max 22000 (mon_max_pg_per_osd 250 * num_in_osds 88)"
>>> I also tried the direct way to create a new pool using:
>>> ceph osd pool create <pool> 512 128 erasure <profile> but the error message 
>>> below remains.
>>> What I do not understand now are the calculations behind the scenes for the 
>>> calculated total pg number of 22148. How is this total number "22148"  
>>> calculated?
>>> I already reduced the number of pgs for the metadata pool of each ec-pool 
>>> and so I was able to create 4 pools in this way. But just for fun I now 
>>> tried to create ec-pool number 5 and I see the message from above again.
>>> Here are the pools created by now (scraped from ceph osd pool 
>>> autoscale-status):
>>> Pool:                Size:   Bias:  PG_NUM:
>>> rbd                  4599    1.0      32
>>> px-a-data          528.2G    1.0     512
>>> px-a-metadata      838.1k    1.0     128
>>> px-b-data              0     1.0     512
>>> px-b-metadata         19     1.0     128
>>> px-c-data              0     1.0     512
>>> px-c-metadata         19     1.0     128
>>> px-d-data              0     1.0     512
>>> px-d-metadata          0     1.0     128
>>> So the total number of pgs for all pools is currently 2592 which is far 
>>> from 22148 pgs?
>>> Any ideas?
>>> Thanks Rainer
>>> -- 
>>> Rainer Krienke, Uni Koblenz, Rechenzentrum, A22, Universitaetsstrasse  1
>>> 56070 Koblenz, Web: http://www.uni-koblenz.de/~krienke, Tel: +49261287 1312
>>> PGP: http://www.uni-koblenz.de/~krienke/mypgp.html,     Fax: +49261287 
>>> 1001312
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> Rainer Krienke, Uni Koblenz, Rechenzentrum, A22, Universitaetsstrasse 1
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