we have set up a snap-mirror for a directory on one of our clusters - running ceph version

ceph version 16.2.7 (dd0603118f56ab514f133c8d2e3adfc983942503) pacific (stable)

to get mirrorred our other cluster - running ceph version

ceph version 16.2.9 (4c3647a322c0ff5a1dd2344e039859dcbd28c830) pacific (stable)

The initial setup went ok, when the first snapshot was created data started to flow at a decent (for our HW) rate of 100-200MB/s. As the directory contains ~200TB this was expected to take some time - but now the process has stalled completely after ~100TB were mirrored and ~7d running.

Up to now I do not have any hints why it has stopped - I do not see any error messages from the cephfs-mirror daemon. Can the small version mismatch be a problem?

Any hints where to look to find out what has got stuck are welcome.


Dr. Holger Naundorf
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Rechenzentrum / HPC / Server und Storage
Tel: +49 431 880-1990
Fax:  +49 431 880-1523
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