
In a working  All-in-one(AIO)  test setup  of openstack & ceph ( where
making the bucket public works from the browser)

radosgw-admin bucket list

I have another cluster where openstack and ceph are separate.
I have set the same config options in ceph.conf ..

rgw_enable_apis = swift
rgw_keystone_accepted_roles = member, _member_, admin, swiftoperator
rgw_keystone_admin_domain = default
rgw_keystone_admin_password = ****
rgw_keystone_admin_project = service
rgw_keystone_admin_user = ****
rgw_keystone_api_version = 3
rgw_keystone_implicit_tenants = true
rgw_keystone_url = https://<keystone-url>:5000
rgw_swift_account_in_url = true
rgw_swift_versioning_enabled = true

but the output is different

radosgw-admin bucket list


## this is created without the project-uuid.

What is happening is when I make the bucket public, it gives
-> NoSuchBucket

Please let me know what setting could I be missing so that when the bucket
is created, it is created with the project_id as well and the link works
when the bucket is public.

CEPH is setup using ceph-ansible,   tag   ,   pacific ..
OpenStack is version Yoga.


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