
if your failure domain is "host" and you have enough redundancy (e.g. replicated size 3 or proper erasure-code profiles and rulesets) you should be able to reboot without any issue. Depending on how long the reboot would take, you could set the noout flag, the default are 10 minutes until OSDs are marked "out".


Zitat von Jeffrey Turmelle <je...@iri.columbia.edu>:

I have a Nautilus cluster with 7 nodes, 210 HDDs. I recently added the 7th node with 30 OSDs which are currently rebalancing very slowly. I just noticed that the ethernet interface only negotiated a 1Gb connection, even though it has a 10Gb interface. I’m not sure why, but would like to reboot the node to get the interface back to 10Gb.

Is it ok to do this?  What should I do to prep the cluster for the reboot?

Jeffrey Turmelle
International Research Institute for Climate & Society <https://iri.columbia.edu/> The Climate School <https://climate.columbia.edu/> at Columbia University <https://columbia.edu/>

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