Don't worry, I won't do something blind. Thanks for the info, I hadn't thought 
to try --omap-key-file.

    On Tuesday, July 18, 2023 at 12:14:18 PM MDT, Dan van der Ster 
<dan.vanders...@clyso.com> wrote:  
 Hi Chris,
Those objects are in the so called "ugly namespace" of the rgw, used to prefix 
special bucket index entries.

// No UTF-8 character can begin with 0x80, so this is a safe indicator
// of a special bucket-index entry for the first byte. Note: although
// it has no impact, the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th byte of a UTF-8 character
// may be 0x80.
#define BI_PREFIX_CHAR 0x80

You can use --omap-key-file and some sed magic to interact with those keys, 
e.g. like this example from my archives [1].(In my example I needed to remove 
orphaned olh entries -- in your case you can generate uglykeys.txt in whichever 
way is meaningful for your situation.)

BTW, to be clear, I'm not suggesting you blindly delete those keys. You would 
need to confirm that they are not needed by a current bucket instance before 
deleting, lest some index get corrupted.

Cheers, Dan______________________________________________________
Clyso GmbH | Ceph Support and Consulting | https://www.clyso.com
# radosgw-admin bi list --bucket=xxx --shard-id=0 >
# cat xxx.bilist.0 | jq -r '.[]|select(.type=="olh" and .entry.key.name=="") | 
.idx' > uglykeys.txt
# head -n2 uglykeys.txt

# cat do_remove.sh

# usage: "bash do_remove.sh | sh -x"
while read f;
    echo -n $f | sed 's/^.1001_/echo -n -e \\\\x801001_/'; echo ' > mykey && 
rados rmomapkey -p default.rgw.buckets.index 
.dir.zone.bucketid.xx.indexshardnumber --omap-key-file mykey';
done < uglykeys.txt

On Tue, Jul 18, 2023 at 9:27 AM Christopher Durham <caduceu...@aol.com> wrote:

I am using ceph 17.2.6 on rocky linux 8.
I got a large omap object warning today.
Ok, So I tracked it down to a shard for a bucket in the index pool of an s3 

However, when lisitng the omapkeys with:
# rados -p pool.index listomapkeys .dir.zone.bucketid.xx.indexshardnumber
it is clear that the problem is caused by many omapkeys with the following name 

A hex dump of the output of the listomapkeys command above indicates that the 
first 'character' is indeed hex 80, but as there is no equivalent ascii for hex 
80, I am not sure how to 'get at' those keys to see the values, delete them, 
etc. The index keys not of the format above appear to be fine, indicating s3 
object names as expected.

The rest of the index shards for the bucket are reasonable and have less than  
osd_deep_scrub_large_omap_object_key_threshold index objects , and the overall 
total of objects in the bucket is way less than 

These weird objects seem to be created occasionally.........????? Yes, the 
bucket is used heavily.

Any advice here?

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