On Tuesday, July 18, 2023 10:56:12 AM EDT Wyll Ingersoll wrote:
> Every night at midnight, our ceph-mgr daemons open up ssh connections to the
> other nodes and then leaves them open. Eventually they become zombies. I
> cannot figure out what module is causing this or how to turn it off.  If
> left unchecked over days/weeks, the zombie ssh connections just keep
> growing, the only way to clear them is to restart ceph-mgr services.
> Any idea what is causing this or how it can be disabled?
> Example:
> ceph     1350387 1350373  7 Jul17 ?        01:19:39 /usr/bin/ceph-mgr -n
> mgr.mon03 -f --setuser ceph --setgroup ceph --default-log-to-file=false
> --default-log-to-stderr=true --default-log-stderr-prefix
> ceph     1350548 1350387  0 Jul17 ?        00:00:01 ssh -C -F
> /tmp/cephadm-conf-d0khggdz -i /tmp/cephadm-identity-onf2msju -o
> ServerAliveInterval=7 -o ServerAliveCountMax=3 xxx@ sudo python
> [...snip...]

Is this cluster on pacific?  The module in question is likely to be `cephadm` 
but the cephadm ssh backend has been changed and the team assumes problems 
like this no longer occur.

Hope that helps!

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