Currently, I trying to create a CNAME record point to a s3 website, for 
example: s3.example.com => s3.example.com.s3-website.myceph.com. So in this 
way, my subdomain s3. will have https.

But then only http works. If I go to https://s3.example.com, it shows the 
metadata of index.html:

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. 
The document tree is shown below.
<ListBucketResult xmlns="http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/";>

Here is my rgw configuration:

rgw_resolve_cname = true
rgw_enable_static_website = true
rgw_dns_s3website_name = ss-website.example.com
rgw_trust_forwarded_https = true

So how to make the https show the content of index.html (not its metadata)?

Thanks in advance.
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