* Try applying the settings to global so that mons/mgrs get them.

* Set your shallow scrub settings back to the default.  Shallow scrubs take 
very few resources

* Set your randomize_ratio back to the default, you’re just bunching them up

* Set the load threshold back to the default, I can’t imagine any OSD node ever 
having a load < 0.3, you’re basically keeping scrubs from ever running

* osd_deep_scrub_interval is the only thing you should need to change.

> On Mar 5, 2024, at 2:42 AM, Nicola Mori <m...@fi.infn.it> wrote:
> Dear Ceph users,
> in order to reduce the deep scrub load on my cluster I set the deep scrub 
> interval to 2 weeks, and tuned other parameters as follows:
> # ceph config get osd osd_deep_scrub_interval
> 1209600.000000
> # ceph config get osd osd_scrub_sleep
> 0.100000
> # ceph config get osd osd_scrub_load_threshold
> 0.300000
> # ceph config get osd osd_deep_scrub_randomize_ratio
> 0.100000
> # ceph config get osd osd_scrub_min_interval
> 259200.000000
> # ceph config get osd osd_scrub_max_interval
> 1209600.000000
> In my admittedly poor knowledge of Ceph's deep scrub procedures, these 
> settings should spread the deep scrub operations in two weeks instead of the 
> default one week, lowering the scrub frequency and the related load. But I'm 
> currently getting warnings like:
> [WRN] PG_NOT_DEEP_SCRUBBED: 56 pgs not deep-scrubbed in time
>    pg 3.1e1 not deep-scrubbed since 2024-02-22T00:22:55.296213+0000
>    pg 3.1d9 not deep-scrubbed since 2024-02-20T03:41:25.461002+0000
>    pg 3.1d5 not deep-scrubbed since 2024-02-20T09:52:57.334058+0000
>    pg 3.1cb not deep-scrubbed since 2024-02-20T03:30:40.510979+0000
>    . . .
> I don't understand the first one, since the deep scrub interval should be two 
> weeks so I don''t expect warnings for PGs which have been deep-scrubbed less 
> than 14 days ago (at the moment I'm writing it's Tue Mar  5 07:39:07 UTC 
> 2024).
> Moreover, I don't understand why the deep scrub for so many PGs is lagging 
> behind. Is there something wrong in my settings?
> Thanks in advance for any help,
> Nicola
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