On Thu, May 23, 2024 at 11:50 AM Szabo, Istvan (Agoda)
<istvan.sz...@agoda.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Wonder what is the best practice to scale RGW, increase the thread numbers or 
> spin up more gateways?
>   *
> Let's say I have 21000 connections on my haproxy
>   *
> I have 3 physical gateway servers so let's say each of them need to server 
> 7000 connections
> This means with 512 thread pool size each of them needs 13 gateway altogether 
> 39 in the cluster.
> or
> 3 gateway and each 8192 rgw thread?

with the beast frontend, rgw_max_concurrent_requests is the most
relevant config option here. while you might benefit from more than
512 threads at scale, you won't need a thread per connection

i'd also point out the relationship between concurrent requests and
memory usage: with default tunings, each PutObject
(rgw_put_obj_min_window_size) and GetObject (rgw_get_obj_window_size)
request may buffer up to 16MB of object data

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