I am testing scsi-target-utils tgtd with RBD support.
I have successfully created an iscsi target using RBD as an iscsi target
and tested it.
It backs onto a rados pool iscsi-spin with a RBD called test.
Now I want it to survive a reboot. I have created a conf file

<target iqn.2008-09.com.ceph:test>
    <backing-store iscsi-spin/test>
        bs-type rbd
        path iscsi-spin/test

When I restart tgtd It creates the target but doesn't connect the
backing store.
The tool tgt-admin has a test mode for the configuration file

[root@cephgw conf.d]# tgt-admin -p -e
# Adding target: iqn.2008-09.com.ceph:test
tgtadm -C 0 --lld iscsi --op new --mode target --tid 1 -T
# Skipping device: iscsi-spin/test
# iscsi-spin/bashful-spin does not exist - please check the
configuration file
tgtadm -C 0 --lld iscsi --op bind --mode target --tid 1 -I ALL

It looks to me like tgtd support RBD backing stores but the
configuration utilities don't.

Anyone tried this?
What have I missed?


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