On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 1:34 AM, Luc Dumaine <lduma...@sitiv.fr> wrote:

> Hi,
> I was able to use ceph-deploy behind a proxy, by defining the appropriate
> environment variables used by wget..
> I.E. on ubuntu just add to /etc/environnement:
> http_proxy=http://host:port
> ftp_proxy=http://host:port
> https_proxy=http://host:port
> Thanks for letting us know, this definitely sounds useful, I will add it
to the docs so someone having a similar issue can have a workaround for now.

> Regard, Luc.
> ----- Mail original -----
> De: "Harvey Skinner" <hpmpe...@gmail.com>
> À: ceph-users@lists.ceph.com
> Cc: "Harvey Skinner" <hpmpe...@gmail.com>
> Envoyé: Vendredi 9 Août 2013 05:48:35
> Objet: [ceph-users] ceph-deploy behind corporate firewalls
>  hi all,
> I am not sure if I am the only one having issues with ceph-deploy
> behind a firewall or not.  I haven't seen any other reports of similar
> issues yet.  With http proxies I am able to have apt-get working, but
> wget is still an issue.
> Working to use the newer ceph-deploy mechanism to deploy my next POC
> set up on four storage nodes.   The ceph-deploy install process
> unfortunately uses wget to retrieve the Ceph release key and failing
> the install.   To get around this i can manually add the Ceph release
> key on all my nodes and apt-get install all the Ceph packages.
> Question though is whether there is anything else that ceph-deploy
> does that I would need to do manually to have everything in state
> where ceph-deploy would work correctly for the rest of the cluster
> setup and deployment, i.e. ceph-deploy new  -and- ceph-deploy mon
> create, etc.?
> thank you,
> Harvey
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