Hello community,

I am currently installing some backup servers with 6x3TB drives in them. I 
played with RAID-10 but I was not
impressed at all with how it performs during a recovery.

Anyway, I thought what if instead of RAID-10 I use ceph? All 6 disks will be 
local, so I could simply create
6 local OSDs + a monitor, right? Is there anything I need to watch out for in 
such configuration?

Another thing. I am using ceph-deploy and I have noticed that when I do this:

    ceph-deploy --verbose  new localhost

the ceph.conf file is created in the current folder instead of /etc. Is this 

Also, in the ceph.conf there's a line:
    mon host = ::1
Is this normal or I need to change this to point to localhost?

Thanks for any feedback on this.


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