
So if I change ' auth service ticket ttl' to 172,800, in theory I could go 
without a monitor for 48 hours?

-----Original Message-----
From: Sage Weil [] 
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2013 9:50 PM
To: Jeppesen, Nelson
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] Why is my mon store.db is 220GB?

On Mon, 12 Aug 2013, Jeppesen, Nelson wrote:
> Joao,
> (log file uploaded to
> I had some good luck and some bad luck. I copied the store.db to a new 
> monitor, injected a modified monmap and started it up (This is all on the 
> same host.) Very quickly it reached quorum (as far as I can tell) but didn't 
> respond. Running 'ceph -w' just hung, no timeouts or errors. Same thing when 
> restarting an OSD.
> The last lines of the log file   '...ms_verify_authorizer..' are from 'ceph 
> -w' attempts.
> I restarted everything again and it sat there synchronizing. IO stat reported 
> about 100MB/s, but just reads. I let it sit there for 7 min but nothing 
> happened.

Can you do this again with --debug-mon 20 --debug-ms 1?  It looks as though the 
main dispatch thread is blocked (7f71a1aa5700 does nothing after winning the 
election).  It would also be helpful to gdb attach to the running ceph-mon and 
capture the output from 'thread apply all bt'.

> Side question, how long can a ceph cluster run without a monitor? I 
> was able to upload files via rados gateway without issue even when the 
> monitor was down.

Quite a while, as long as no new processes need to authenticate, and no nodes 
go up or down.  Eventually the authentication keys are going to time out, 
though (1 hour is the default).

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