> Why wait for the data to migrate away? Normally you have replicas of the 
> whole osd data, so you can simply stop the osd, reformat the disk and restart 
> it again. It'll join the cluster and automatically get all data it's missing. 
> Of course the risk of dataloss is a bit higher during that time, but normally 
> that should be ok, because it's not different from an ordinary disk failure 
> which can happen any time.

Because I lost 2 objects last time I did that trick (probably caused by 
additional user (i.e. me) stupidity in the first place, but I don't really 
fancy taking chances this time :) )

> I just found a similar question from one year ago: 
> http://www.spinics.net/lists/ceph-devel/msg05915.html I didn't read the whole 
> thread, but probably you can find some other ideas there.

I read it, but it is the usual to a fro - no definitive solution...

> service ceph osd stop $OSD
> mkfs -t xfs /dev/XXX
> ceph-osd -i $OSD --mkfs --mkkey --mkjournal
> service ceph osd start $OSD

I'll give that a whirl - I have enough OSDs to try - as soon as the cluster has 
recovered from the 9 disks I formatted on saturday


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