I'm testing ceph for storing a very large number of small files.  I'm
seeing some performance issues and would like to see if anyone could offer
any insight as to what I could do to correct this.

Some numbers:

Uploaded 184111 files, with an average file size of 5KB, using
10 separate servers to upload the request using Python and the cloudfiles
module.  I stopped uploading after 53 minutes, which seems to average 5.7
files per second per node.

My storage cluster consists of 21 OSD's across 7 servers, with their
journals written to SSD drives.  I've done a default installation, using
ceph-deploy with the dumpling release.

I'm using statsd to monitor the performance, and what's interesting is when
I start with an empty bucket, performance is amazing, with average response
times of 20-50ms.  However as time goes on, the response times go in to the
hundreds, and the average number of uploads per second drops.

I've installed radosgw on all 7 ceph servers.  I've tested using a load
balancer to distribute the api calls, as well as pointing the 10 worker
servers to a single instance.  I've not seen a real different
in performance with this either.

Each of the ceph servers are 16 core Xeon 2.53GHz with 72GB of ram, OCZ
Vertex4 SSD drives for the journals and Seagate Barracuda ES2 drives for

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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