On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 1:58 PM, Gruher, Joseph R
<joseph.r.gru...@intel.com> wrote:
>>But certainly, I am worried about why is it hanging for you here, this is a
>>problem and I really want to make sure this is either fixed or confirmed it 
>>some kind of misconfiguration.
>>I believe that the problem is coming from using `sudo` + `root`. This is a
>>problem that is certainly fixed in the upcoming version.
>>Can you try with a different user (for now) ?
> Sure, happy to try anything that might help.  Can you clarify what you mean 
> by different user?  Should I log in as something besides root on the "admin" 
> system or should I set up SSH to auto-login as a different user on the 
> "target" system?  If I different user on the target, should I configure as in 
> the pre-flight (which is what I already did) or are there any changes you 
> might suggest I try?

ceph-deploy will use the user as you are currently executing. That is
why, if you are calling ceph-deploy as root, it will log in remotely
as root.

So by a different user, I mean, something like, user `ceph` executing
ceph-deploy (yes, that same user needs to exist remotely too with
correct permissions)

> I agree, this should be root caused and addressed, there is nothing 
> particularly special about my environment as far as I know, and I followed 
> the pre-flight carefully so I assume other users may be exposed to the same 
> problem.
> Thanks!
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