I have a CEPH cluster with 9 nodes (6 data nodes & 3 mon/mds nodes)
And i setup 4 separate nodes to test performance of Rados-GW:
 - 2 node run Rados-GW
 - 2 node run multi-process put file to [multi] Rados-GW

a) When i use 1 RadosGW node & 1 upload-node, speed upload = 50MB/s
/upload-node, Rados-GW input/output speed = 50MB/s

b) When i use 2 RadosGW node & 1 upload-node, speed upload = 50MB/s
/upload-node; each RadosGW have input/output = 25MB/s ==> sum input/ouput
of 2 Rados-GW = 50MB/s

c) When i use 1 RadosGW node & 2 upload-node, speed upload = 25MB/s
/upload-node ==> sum output of 2 upload-node = 50MB/s, RadosGW have
input/output = 50MB/s

d) When i use 2 RadosGW node & 2 upload-node, speed upload = 25MB/s
/upload-node ==> sum output of 2 upload-node = 50MB/s; each RadosGW have
input/output = 25MB/s ==> sum input/ouput of 2 Rados-GW = 50MB/s

*Problem*: i can pass limit 50MB/s when put file over Rados-GW, regardless
of the number Rados-GW nodes and upload-nodes.
When i use this CEPH cluster over librados (openstack/kvm), i can easily
achieve > 300MB/s

I don't know why performance of RadosGW is so low. What's bottleneck?

Thank you very much!
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