On Wed, 11 Dec 2013, James Page wrote:
> Hash: SHA256
> Hi Wido
> On 11/12/13 13:31, Wido den Hollander wrote:
> > I was looking at the packages for Ceph under Ubuntu 14.04 LTSand I 
> > noticed that currently Ceph 0.72 (Emperor) is packaged for Trusty 
> > (codename)/
> I keep ontop of the stable releases during the development cycle; we
> also have a minor release exception for Ceph which means I can push
> point releases as stable release updates.
> > Both Qemu (1.7) and libvirt (1.1.4) is compiled with librbd
> > support, so that's great.
> > 
> > Is there anything else still missing that needs to be fixed for
> > Ubuntu 14.04? Things that come to mind:
> > 
> > - tgt packages with rbd enabled?
> Done
> > - modfastcgi for Apache with 100-continue support?
> Tricky - when I last looked at this the consensus was that
> 100-continue support appeared to break general FastCGI compat - but it
> would be nice to look at this again.  I'm also trying to get
> mod_fastcgi out of Ubuntu multiverse (due to a cause in the license
> which makes it non-free from Debian's perspective) but upstream are
> not that active so I'm not depending on that!

BTW it looks like firefly will have a mode for radosgw that will let it 
run as a completely standalone web server.  You won't be able to layer in 
other functionality via random apache modules, but I don't think most 
users need/want that, and it will be a vastly simpler installation (and 
pretty speedy to!).


> > - btrfs fixes for in the kernel?
> If you have specific issues that you know of for the current 3.12 and
> final 3.13 kernels please highlight these to me - I can channel then
> through to the Ubuntu kernel team for review.
> > - RBD cache patches for Qemu?
> I'll defer to more knowledgeable folk but I *think* this is already
> enabled - but I may be wrong :-).
> > I know we are still ~5 months away from the LTS release, but since
> > it's going to be the next LTS I would like a stable release.
> > 
> > From the CloudStack perspective it would be great if 14.04 has all
> > the required packages so it's only a matter of installing the
> > CloudStack KVM agent and people can start with Ceph. Same goes for
> > OpenStack I guess.
> I'm tracking 14.04 Ceph related stuff on this blueprint:
>   https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/servercloud-1311-ceph
> Let me know if you want anything else added/tracked.
> Cheers
> James
> - -- 
> James Page
> Ubuntu and Debian Developer
> james.p...@ubuntu.com
> jamesp...@debian.org
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> =Vbiu
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