Thanks for the info everyone.
On Dec 16, 2013 1:23 AM, "Kyle Bader" <> wrote:

> >> Has anyone tried scaling a VMs io by adding additional disks and
> >> striping them in the guest os?  I am curious what effect this would have
> >> on io performance?
> > Why would it? You can also change the stripe size of the RBD image.
> Depending on the workload you might change it from 4MB to something like
> 1MB or 32MB? That would give you more or less RADOS objects which will also
> give you a different I/O pattern.
> The question comes up because it's common for people operating on EC2 to
> stripe EBS volumes together for higher iops rates. I've tried striping
> kernel RBD volumes before but hit some sort of thread limitation where
> throughput was consistent despite the volume count. I've since learned the
> thread limit is configurable. I don't think there is a thread limit that
> needs to be tweaked for RBD via KVM/QEMU but I haven't tested this
> empirically. As Wido mentioned, if you are operating your own cluster
> configuring the stripe size may achieve similar results. Google used to use
> a 64MB chunk size with GFS but switched to 1MB after they started
> supporting more and more seek heavy workloads.
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