
I have two sorts of storage hosts: small number of reliable hosts with a number 
of big drives on each (reliable zone of the cluster), and a much larger set of 
less reliable hosts, some with big drives, some with relatively small ones 
(non-reliable zone of the cluster). Non-reliable hosts are bad-admined, can be 
connected and disconnected, drives can be crashed without replacement, etc. 
Reliable hosts are well-admined, have a good power and network connectivity, 
faulty drives are quickly replaced etc.

I also have a two sorts of data: important (virtual machines, mailboxes, etc) 
and unimportant -- snapshots, backups, etc.
I want to have two copies of important data objects in reliable zone and some 
(1-2) copies on non-reliable zone. If there are no space in non-releable zone 
are available, I want to have exactly two copies in reliable zone.
For non-important data I want to have two copies in non-releable zone. If there 
are no space for two copies in non-releable zone, I want to have exactly one 
copy of this data in reliable zone and, if possible, one copy in non-reliable 

Is it possible to do this with ceph?
If yes, how to configure this?

Thanks in advance,

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