Hi all,
I have startet the ceph-cluster with an weight of 1 for all osd-disks (4TB).
Later I switched to ceph-deploy and ceph-deploy use normaly an weight of
3.64 for this disks, which makes much more sense!

Now I wan't to change the weight of all 52 osds (on 4 nodes) to 3.64 and
the question is, how to proceed on an productional cluster?

Increase all 52 weights in 0.1-steps, wait for an calm system and do it
again till 3.64 is reached?
Or modify the crushmap (export, decompile, change, compile, load)
directly from 1 to 3.64? Is in this case the data accessible?
Are OSDs with 76% data an problem in this scenario? I have learned, that
ceph really don't like full disks ;-)

Any hints?

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