Thank you for your reply.

I had over 190 GB left on the disk where the mon was residing. I deployed
with fuel initially and didnĀ¹t check how the mon was configured.

I am re-deploying now and will check what is configured out of the box by
fuel 4.1

Maybe it was pointing somewhere different than

On 2014-04-04, 1:22 PM, "Joao Eduardo Luis" <> wrote:

>Well, that's no mon crash.
>On 04/04/2014 06:06 PM, Karol Kozubal wrote:
>> Anyone know why this happens? What datastore fills up specifically?
>The monitor's.  Your monitor is sitting on a disk that is filling up.
>The monitor will check for available disk space to make sure it has
>enough to work properly without messing things up.  It has two different
>thresholds: one for a warning, set by default at 30%, another for
>critical, set by default at 5%.
>If you hit the 30% avail disk space mark, the mon will output that
>warning.  If you hit the 5% mark, the monitor will shutdown.
>Those can be adjusted to saner values depending on your case by setting
>'mon data avail warn' and 'mon data avail warn', both expecting integers.
>> 2014-04-04 17:01:51.277954 mon.0 [WRN] reached concerning levels of
>> available space on data store (16% free)
>> 2014-04-04 17:03:51.279801 7ffd0f7fe700 0 monclient: hunting for new mon
>> 2014-04-04 17:03:51.280844 7ffd0d6f9700 0 -- >>
>> pipe(0x7ffd04012630 sd=3 :37134 s=1 pgs=0 cs=0 l=1
>> c=0x7ffd04012890).fault
>This means a client was unable to contact a monitor.  There may be a
>several possibilities for this, but in this case it's likely it's the
>monitor died because you ran out of space on your store?  Anyway, you
>should be able to find the cause for your monitor shutdown on your log
>   -Joao
>> Any input is appreciated. Karol
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>Joao Eduardo Luis
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