You what model SSD?
Which version of the kernel?

2014-04-28 12:35 GMT+04:00 Udo Lembke <>:

> Hi,
> perhaps due IOs from the journal?
> You can test with iostat (like "iostat -dm 5 sdg").
> on debian iostat is in the package sysstat.
> Udo
> Am 28.04.2014 07:38, schrieb Indra Pramana:
> > Hi Craig,
> >
> > Good day to you, and thank you for your enquiry.
> >
> > As per your suggestion, I have created a 3rd partition on the SSDs and
> did
> > the dd test directly into the device, and the result is very slow.
> >
> > ====
> > root@ceph-osd-08:/mnt# dd bs=1M count=128 if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdg3
> > conv=fdatasync oflag=direct
> > 128+0 records in
> > 128+0 records out
> > 134217728 bytes (134 MB) copied, 19.5223 s, 6.9 MB/s
> >
> > root@ceph-osd-08:/mnt# dd bs=1M count=128 if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdf3
> > conv=fdatasync oflag=direct
> > 128+0 records in
> > 128+0 records out
> > 134217728 bytes (134 MB) copied, 5.34405 s, 25.1 MB/s
> > ====
> >
> > I did a test onto another server with exactly similar specification and
> > similar SSD drive (Seagate SSD 100 GB) but not added into the cluster yet
> > (thus no load), and the result is fast:
> >
> > ====
> > root@ceph-osd-09:/home/indra# dd bs=1M count=128 if=/dev/zero
> of=/dev/sdf1
> > conv=fdatasync oflag=direct
> > 128+0 records in
> > 128+0 records out
> > 134217728 bytes (134 MB) copied, 0.742077 s, 181 MB/s
> > ====
> >
> > Is the Ceph journal load really takes up a lot of the SSD resources? I
> > don't understand how come the performance can drop significantly.
> > Especially since the two Ceph journals are only taking the first 20 GB
> out
> > of the 100 GB of the SSD total capacity.
> >
> > Any advice is greatly appreciated.
> >
> > Looking forward to your reply, thank you.
> >
> > Cheers.
> >
> >
> >
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