
I've installed Ceph Emperor on my Ubuntu 12.04 server to test many things.
 Everything was pretty good so far, but now I got a problem (403,
 AccessDenied) when I try to create a bucket through S3-compatible API.
 Please read the following information.

*Client Information*
Computer: Ubuntu 12.04 64bit Desktop
S3 Client: Dragon Disk 1.05

*Server Information*
Server Hardware: 2 servers, 2 storage array (12 OSDs each, total 24 OSDs)
OS: Ubuntu 12.04 64bit
Ceph: Emperor, Health OK, all OSDs UP


fsid = 2606e43d-6ca3-4aeb-b760-507a97e06190
mon_initial_members = lab0, lab1
mon_host =,
auth_cluster_required = cephx
auth_service_required = cephx
auth_client_required = cephx
filestore_xattr_use_omap = true
osd_max_attr_size = 655360
osd pool default size = 3
osd pool default min size = 1
osd pool default pg num = 800
osd pool default pgp num = 800

host = lab0
keyring = /etc/ceph/keyring.radosgw.gateway
rgw socket path = /tmp/radosgw.sock
log file = /var/log/ceph/radosgw.log
rgw data = /var/lib/ceph/radosgw
rgw dns name = lab0.coe.hawaii.edu
rgw print continue = false

<VirtualHost *:80>
    FastCgiExternalServer /var/www/s3gw.fcgi -socket /tmp/radosgw.sock
    ServerName  lab0.coe.hawaii.edu
    ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
    DocumentRoot /var/www

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteRule ^/([a-zA-Z0-9-_.]*)([/]?.*)

    <IfModule mod_fastcgi.c>
        <Directory /var/www/>
            Options +ExecCGI
            AllowOverride All
            SetHandler fastcgi-script
            Order allow,deny
            allow from all
            AuthBasicAuthoritative Off

    AllowEncodedSlashes On
    ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
    CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
    ServerSignature Off

User Info:
# radosgw-admin user info --uid=admin
{ "user_id": "admin",
  "display_name": "Admin",
  "email": "",
  "suspended": 0,
  "max_buckets": 1000,
  "auid": 0,
  "subusers": [],
  "keys": [
        { "user": "admin",
          "access_key": "A3R0CEF3140MLIZIXN4X",
          "secret_key": "K8TRyfK8ArRjGRnSRvd4N5gY4TdeK1wK\/1iGCcGO"}],
  "swift_keys": [],
  "caps": [],
  "op_mask": "read, write, delete",
  "default_placement": "",
  "placement_tags": [],
  "bucket_quota": { "enabled": false,
      "max_size_kb": -1,
      "max_objects": -1}}

2014-04-28 10:44:42.206681 7fc9b9feb700 15 calculated
2014-04-28 10:44:42.206685 7fc9b9feb700 15
2014-04-28 10:44:42.206686 7fc9b9feb700 15 compare=0
2014-04-28 10:44:42.206691 7fc9b9feb700  2 req 20:0.000456:s3:PUT
/:create_bucket:reading permissions
2014-04-28 10:44:42.206697 7fc9b9feb700  2 req 20:0.000463:s3:PUT
/:create_bucket:init op
2014-04-28 10:44:42.206701 7fc9b9feb700  2 req 20:0.000467:s3:PUT
/:create_bucket:verifying op mask
2014-04-28 10:44:42.206704 7fc9b9feb700 20 required_mask= 2 user.op_mask=7
2014-04-28 10:44:42.206706 7fc9b9feb700  2 req 20:0.000472:s3:PUT
/:create_bucket:verifying op permissions
2014-04-28 10:44:42.209718 7fc9b9feb700  2 req 20:0.003483:s3:PUT
/:create_bucket:verifying op params
2014-04-28 10:44:42.209742 7fc9b9feb700  2 req 20:0.003508:s3:PUT
2014-04-28 10:44:42.209776 7fc9b9feb700 20 get_obj_state:
rctx=0x7fc928009bd0 obj=.rgw:test state=0x7fc92800cfd8 s->prefetch_data=0
2014-04-28 10:44:42.209790 7fc9b9feb700 10 moving .rgw+test to cache LRU end
2014-04-28 10:44:42.209793 7fc9b9feb700 10 cache get: name=.rgw+test : type
miss (requested=22, cached=0)
2014-04-28 10:44:42.211397 7fc9b9feb700 10 cache put: name=.rgw+test
2014-04-28 10:44:42.211417 7fc9b9feb700 10 moving .rgw+test to cache LRU end
2014-04-28 10:44:42.212563 7fc9b9feb700 20 rgw_create_bucket returned
ret=-1 bucket=test(@{i=.rgw.buckets.index}.rgw.buckets[default.5154.9])
2014-04-28 10:44:42.212629 7fc9b9feb700  2 req 20:0.006394:s3:PUT
/:create_bucket:http status=403
2014-04-28 10:44:42.212749 7fc9b9feb700  1 ====== req done req=0x1f20f30
http_status=403 ======

I tried to use the secret key both K8TRyfK8ArRjGRnSRvd4N5gY4TdeK1wK\/1iGCcGO
and K8TRyfK8ArRjGRnSRvd4N5gY4TdeK1wK/1iGCcGO

Thank you for your help!

Seowon Jung
Systems Administrator

College of Education
University of Hawaii at Manoa
(808) 956-7939
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