"Need" means "I know this version of the object has existed at some
time in the cluster". "Have" means "this is the newest version of the
object I currently have available". If you're missing OSDs (or have
been in the past) you may need to invoke some of the "lost" commands
to tell the OSDs to just go with what they have.
Software Engineer #42 @ http://inktank.com | http://ceph.com

On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 2:01 AM, vernon1...@126.com <vernon1...@126.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> my ceph has some object unfound. When I run "ceph pg 50.5 list_missing", it
> show me:
> ... ...
> { "oid": { "oid": "rbd_data.53ec83d1b58ba.0000000000000740",
>               "key": "",
>               "snapid": -2,
>               "hash": 4097468757,
>               "max": 0,
>               "pool": 50,
>               "namespace": ""},
>           "need": "27229'2203677",
>           "have": "27064'2202729",
>           "locations": []},
> ... ...
> I want to know, what's the "need" and "have"? Can I change it? Or how to fix
> it?
> ________________________________
> vernon1...@126.com
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