Hi all,
I configured a ceph cluster firefly on ubuntu 12.04.
I also confiured a centos 6.5 client with ceph-0.80.1-2.el6.x86_64
and kernel 3.14.2-1.el6.elrepo.x86_64
On Centeos I am able to use rbd remote block devices but if I try to map
them with rbdmap no link are generated.
Last week, before updates, when I mapped rbd , some links was created:

/dev/rbd/poolname/imagename linked with /dev/rbd0

Now only /dec/rbd0 is created and if I restart rbdmap, maps are dublicated.
The following is the "rbd shomapped" command after 2 rbdmap restart:

id pool         image   snap device
0  libvirt-pool ubuntu2 -    /dev/rbd0
1  libvirt-pool ubuntu2 -    /dev/rbd1

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